Everybody's guilty pleasure.

62 thoughts on “ALWAYS…

  1. Guilty pleasure implies that it is something shameful. There is nothing shameful about Robot Unicorn Attack. It’s more like everyone’s second life. Hehehe.

    At any rate, I love GC’s expression there. Cute little rainbow-eyes~! *love*

    1. Exactly. There is nothing shameful here.

      1. luna The #1 Pokefan

        Here here

        1. agreed

        2. uh…I am not so sure about that…

        3. although look at this in high contrast!

    2. Guilty pleasures aren’t always shameful. They just have to make you feel embarrassed or ashamed, even if you shouldn’t be.

  2. That horse must be the Nyan Cat’s big cousin…

    1. I in fact Love that unicorn. and yes, he is nyan’s big bro.

    2. it’s nano!

  3. Super ArTuRo GaMeR

    wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


  5. wait, what is Robot Dash doing here?

    1. But Dash is a pegasus, silly filly!

      1. All mlp references now mack me cringe due to a fan fic


        2. Which pony Fan fic? Rainbow Factory? or ‘Cupcakes’?

    2. its g3 robotdash, silly brony!

    3. Eh… Ponies are over rated -.-

      1. you suck bronie-hater

        1. Ezio the Zoroark

          Dude calm your tits I’m a Brony Princess Luna for life

  6. I set this comic as my desktop background. ITS SOOO CUTE! Gamercat and robot unicorn attack= <3 HAPPINESS ^.^

  7. I love you gamercat, you share my stoner’s wide-eyed wonder for this rainbow unicorn

  8. So cuteee! :3

    Who doesn’t love Robot Unicorn Attack, eh? :D

  9. once you get hooked on robot unicorn attack…

  10. I don’t like Robot Unicorn Attack. It’s a pretty crappy game in the genre, as far as actually playing it goes. The only thing about it is that it seems to enthrall people with amazingness. Eh.

    1. that’s the point. it’s the thought of the game that makes it amazing.

  11. Gamercat’s like:


  12. =D Yeaaaahhh!!!

  13. what?
    O_O Its Nyan cat’s cousin!

    1. *nyan cat’s GAMER cousin!

  14. hey, can he play the playtion 3,

    1. Do you realize that it’s not playtion 3? It’s actually Playstation 3.

    2. The Playtion 3 by Suuuny is an amazing game console! It can play classics such as Assusin’s Creed, Luttie Bug Plunnut, Guud of WAAAAAAR, and is backwards compatible with Playtion 2 and Playtion 1 games!

      Actually the Playtion 3 sounds like a Chinese Knockoff of a Playstation 3 by Sony.

  15. Nyan-Pony .w.

  16. Hmph. I prefer Canabalt hand over fist over Robot Unicorn Attack. It’s hard for me to imagine anyone being fond of RUA actually. The whole attraction of Canabalt isn’t the game so much as it is the atmosphere of the game, and in that regard, RUA is terribly annoying rather than stylish gothic cyberpunk. But it does make me wonder, one which came first though?

  17. Awww… who’d guess that Gamercat had another side to him?? :P

  18. Does everyone know that the song they play with that game is real? I thought it was a joke, but, it plays on the radio station at the store I work at.

    1. It’s Always, by Erasure.

  19. every has there guilty pleasures this…. is one of mine


  21. Heh heh…. I’m so glad to find that I am not the only one that plays this game and actually likes it. It’s actually a great (and addicting) game. Luv you GaMERCaT.

  22. I’m wondering which came first. This comic or Borderlands 2’s Butt Stallion.

  23. Robot Unicorn Attack, created by none other than Taurin Fox, your welcome l.

  24. pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows!!!


  25. i wonder what came first the game or the gamer?

  26. Makes me want to play that game more and he looks so cute :3. And it’s the game with a unicorn that guys can play without feeling odd because it awesome

  27. sneaky cat is sneaky!

  28. Lol thats funny

  29. #robotunicornforlife

  30. undertale_spirit_wolf

    this is the most adorable thing i have seen all day :3

  31. I wonder what glitch would look like in the original style

  32. OverlyDramaticLogic

    i need this on a poster. Can you redraw it with your currrent art style?

  33. Why is he looking around? Does he think his owner will come in and take a pic without anyone thinking that gc did it?

  34. Unicorns and rainbows, yeah!!!

  35. I read gamercat basically since its inception and I always return here. Then I go to YouTube and listen to the song. And I just found out today that this an actual game that I just played for the first time. And I love it. This is kind of embarrassing. (Not me loving the game, me finding it so late)

  36. They didn’t know about nano when it was created

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