Sloth Science

We all know we would use portal guns to enhance our own laziness.

82 thoughts on “Sloth Science

  1. Yup. Thats how I would totally use it.

    1. That would be one of the awesome things i would do with it. Here are a few others:
      1. Use it to get from my room to the kitchen in only 3 steps.
      2. Zap my little sister to England.
      3. Never be late for school again.
      4. Rob a Bank.

      1. Those would be impossible shots exept for 4.

        1. IndigoWingedWolf

          Didn’t think about that…….

    2. I’d do that to honestly.

    3. I would just use it to grab my homework when I forget it.

      I AM A GENIUS!!!

      1. wait wouldn’t you have to zap the portal where you want it first by walking over there and then zapping it and going all the way back?


        1. I’d do that to.

        2. I’d also zap it under me so i could go to the bathroom any time!

        3. Teleportal with a glitch!

    4. That’s what they’re for, right? XD

    5. I would honestly use it to go from my room to my kitchen (first creating the Portal in it). So you get your snacks and drinks while you play without having to take a long time (:

  2. Also, FIRST! ;D

    1. Congratulations. *hands over bomb*

      1. no Axew123. you do it like this *lights bomb* *throw bomb* 3…2…1… *Frodomann1 explodes*

    2. Doctor Octoganapus


    3. Dude you’re technically second

      1. Oh wait nvm

  3. haha that’s awesome

  4. Now you’re letting all the cold out of the fridge. For Science. You monster.

    1. At least its decent air conditioning, it’s like if you do the same thing but with an oven, instant heater.

  5. Hahahaha

  6. Holy shit, the planets have aligned and an update has commenced.

  7. The GaMERCat could easily be one of my favorite webcomics if it had a steady update schedule~
    I know it’s difficult, but once a week or two weeks would be stellar. I still look forward to every new comic either way.
    Keep up the good work~

  8. I’d use one to screw with people. ouo

    If a friend refuses to wake up, they’d beter hope there isn’t a pool nearby…

  9. yup thats how i would use it except in the summer i would use it to make air from the air conditioner come through quicker lol

  10. Yay, we finally get an update.

    Yea, that is what I would use a portal gun for half the time.

  11. Good idea GameCat, thumbs up! ;)

  12. Oh my god, this webcomic has video games and a ridiculously cute cat! Where have you been all my life?

    1. nerd heaven its been
      in nerd heaven

  13. Love this comic, plus it got on HALOLZ

  14. ! yo quiero un portal igual ¡

  15. Hard To Imagine Aproppiate Voice for all the comic squares… Uh… I’m from Peru, So Sorry for the Bad English…

    1. Aperture Science Online Chatbot

      No, that is good English

  16. I’d use it to play games between free class periods =)

  17. Haha, that is deffinitely do that.

  18. *That is definitely something I’d do.

  19. Lol, I Love The GC’s Pose and Face at the Second Comic Square xP

  20. oh, I would totally use this for evil.
    One portal in the middle of my chair; the other in the toilet.

  21. I would funnel the air from Faculty back home.

  22. now you’re thinking with portals

  23. Ha… Cute. Also It was posted on my b-day! :D

  24. well, well, well, that’s how he use it :) LOL

  25. Weeell… I guess then I wouldn’t have to climb up and down all of those stairs XD Cute Gamercat! Magic Fairy knows everything O___O

  26. The problem is that portals only work on a surface covered in moon dust.

    1. Aperture Science Online Chatbot

      Or possibly asbestos – there were portal conductive surfaces before Cave bought all that moon rock, and it’s referred to as an “excellent portal conductor,” implying that there are others out there. Or, at least, that’s my theory anyway.

  27. Just found this comic, and the gamer cat is frighteningly similar to me :D

  28. I would sell it on eBay, because the Portal Gun canonically does not function without moondust-painted walls. :P

    Yes, I’m a buzzkiller.

    1. Aperture Science Online Chatbot

      Or possibly asbestos – there were portal conductive surfaces before Cave bought all that moon rock, and it’s referred to as an “excellent portal conductor,” implying that there are others out there. Or, at least, that’s my theory anyway.

  29. close the damn portal, or the cold air from the fridge will go out.

  30. But… But… A.S.H.P.D. can only be used on moon gel covered surfaces! D:

    1. Aperture Science Online Chatbot

      Or possibly asbestos – there were portal conductive surfaces before Cave bought all that moon rock, and it’s referred to as an “excellent portal conductor,” implying that there are others out there. Or, at least, that’s my theory anyway.

  31. hey Celesse win are you goweng to do a back round of his howes rite now its a black howl

    1. It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that

  32. Just love this comic, cause I would totally do this! Love the straight face he keeps the whole time. :)

  33. GPOY.

  34. I must be a baad person…
    That’s like the last thing I’d do with a portal gun…

  35. Alice David Turner

    I’d do the same thing… while playing Amnesia the Dark Descent.

  36. Afew mirrors and the portal could become a fridge, mailbox, and even toilet. XD

    1. Aperture Science Online Chatbot

      I don’t think the portal shot is made of light, sorry.

  37. ..I would probably do this too XD

  38. I’d do that too – to find out wether the light stays on after you close the door or not.

    1. I’ve figured it out. The light goes off when the door is closed.

  39. I would use it to extend the range of my chargers to INFINITY.

    Also I would use it to make a box that I could carry anywhere. And I mean ANYWHERE.

  40. Ah yes. This is the very first Gamercat comic I’ve ever seen. I first saw it on Deviant Art. That was before Gamercat had a website, or even merchandise. It’s crazy.

  41. undertale_spirit_wolf

    honestly, isn’t this how every single human being (or cat) would use a portal gun?

    1. Aperture Science Online Chatbot

      Nope! (Oh wait, I don’t count) I would use it to sell power either siphoned from the black hole inside, or pouring water over a waterwheel. Better than a dyson sphere!

  42. OverlyDramaticLogic

    2018, anyone?

  43. Now i want one

  44. If I had whatever that is I would definitely use it so I can play video games in my basement and pet my cat at the same time

    1. when she’s upstairs of course.(I’m just finishing up my sentence from this morning)

  45. I’ll use it do all chores cuz I’m lazy

  46. Fair enough

  47. I’d use it to get tissue paper from the table that is less than a meter away from me

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