
She's relentless.

43 thoughts on “Intervention

  1. I guess you can say

    Cat fight!

    1. not the purrfect situation since its hardly a fair(y) fight

      1. You two are gonna make me hack up a furball with these jokes!

        1. FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

        2. idk what to say so…


      2. Not a fur fight

    2. tea and cookie wolf

      yup also luv the name eevee and the eeveelutions are my faves

  2. If other fairies become potions for health when blended, will drinking a Navi-smoothie make you smarter?

    1. Maybe blue potion.

    2. No, it just makes to talk more.

    3. Make you more annoying?

    4. It would make you buy more videogames.

  3. I can only guess that a Navi smoothie will create a highly manipulative jerk… or possibly a mad spending spree with you landing in debt if your not tied to the mast of a ship.

    1. or a simple blue potion.

  4. Lets kill Navi.

    1. Same. Too bad she only pops up around christmas. We’ll have to wait.

    2. Killing is distasteful!

      To me there is a better way.

  5. When did she ever actually meet the annoying fairy?

    1. July 28, 2014, comic “compromise”

    2. Now that I think about it, isn’t Navi a figment of GC’s imagination?

      1. No. GC thought so, but when Glitch came, he could see Navi. GC actually made a remark thinking she was a figment of his imagination, but no.

  6. Where did Navi even come from?

  7. Cat fight! Cat fight :D !

  8. bumblebeetheautobot


  9. “Skylander” Lol, that one got me. XDD

  10. NAVI!!! Go back to the Deku Tree or something!!! Stop screwing with GC’s life!!!

    1. Agreed. All who want Navi to leave GC alone say “I”

      1. I!!!!!!!

  11. Wait til Navi tells Glitch about the new rare Skylanders figures that go with the game.

    1. TotallyNotADoggyGamer

      They aren’t new, the have been here since Spyros Adventures :I

      1. Ah, but does *Glitch* know that? >:)

  12. There should be a sticker or icon of the second panel, it looks so cute >^..^< Cat fight~

  13. Mwuhahahaha! That’s right fairy, corrupt them all!!!

  14. omg xD

  15. Does anyone know what program was used to make these amazing comics?

  16. What program was used to make a fantastic comic like this? was it paint tool sai or something else??

  17. Lpffpf(DeviantArt)

    I love how Glitch plays Skylanders XD He makes me think of my little brother so much that I just refer to Andrew as my Glitch

  18. LET GO! and first 2018 post

  19. to the war room *wooosh*

  20. Like i said, perfect devil

  21. What can I say? GaMERCaT deserves a holiday with lots of games. I was just helping!

  22. Well, I guess you’re kind of right

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