Does Not Compute

Shut up and take my money!

92 thoughts on “Does Not Compute

  1. Congratulations on getting a real site :)

    I love your comics and this one’s my favorite!

    1. why is the worker letting this cat in it make no sense

      1. Better question: How is the cat holding that game and money in separate paws?

    2. and he just lost a lot of money…

      1. Yeah, I guess your right fdshfudh one question though how much money was that?

        1. …1,000,000!

        2. dollars. i pressed send to soon

        3. that’s the game of life! for a cat. I am a cat and my owner named me this @!#$$#% name!

        4. in fact. I’d rather be named what I just said then fdshfudh!

  2. Best use of the money, hiring a killer to shot in the head of that annoying clerk… -.-‘

    1. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Okay. I have to give it to ya. That is hilarious.

    3. I agree with TimTime10. Hilarous. Buuut… how bout we take a oversised claymore and CUT OFF HIS HEAD!!!! Muhahaha!

  3. This is why kitties like to spend time around your computer. Never let them access your wallet though, so they don’t learn your creditcard number

    1. yes us smol kitties can read.

  4. OMG, Mao Mao loves GaMerCat! She calls Mao Mao’s name! <3

  5. I love your comics!

  6. Love the Futurama reference!

    1. since he’s buying zelda, “shut up and take my rupees” may be more appropriate.

      1. #agree

      2. OverlyDramaticLogic

        I don’t atch futurama, but YES.

      3. i disagree. money is better.

  7. I like the pot smasher one most. Oh and the one where its like ocarina of time and i have that game too

    1. Wait how make name orange? Like this?

      1. Ooh cool. You just have to type in a website url. Also I memorized the url for scratch unintentionally.

  8. Steam will rule superior.

    1. can’t get zelda on steam idiot

      1. Not yet.

      2. It never said he was buying it on Steam. He could of bought it on Amazon.

        1. Cats fail to buy anything, online or not.

        2. Hey we can be on the internet too. BTW u need to go to bed Nano cuz Glitch is asleep anyway

        3. I am easily amused

          LOL whoever posted that ↑

    2. GaMERCaT prototype


    3. GaMERCaT prototype

      steam WILL rule superior.

  9. I wsh he would have threw his money at the clerk…

  10. Mao! sounds like money.

  11. Hehehehehe mao! that is so cute <3 <3 <3

  12. Y cuando tenga que firmar la entrega? D;

  13. 3 cheers for e-commerce. I have an e-commerce website. I doubt any of my customers have been non-human though.

  14. ANERABLE! Yet frustrating!!

  15. Das like what happens when I buy video games l:/

  16. Zelda!

  17. lol, GamerCat’s a communist… he’s calling Chairman Mao’s name.
    For some reason, he’s the favourite dictator of cats worldwide.

  18. GaMERCat has money, I prefer to think that he actually has an online job, and not just raids his owner’s wallet. (If he even has one)
    Heck, maybe Samantha is in fact a cat drawing this comic ;-) and we’ll never know.

    1. The Great Shloquesugajam


      1. IM A CAT TOO!

  19. i hated that guy ow and i tock his wallet =3

  20. Haha xD

  21. Why does the cat say Mao? Is it chinese?

    1. It’s just a meow noise. Pronounce it out loud. It sounds like “cow” with an M.

      1. Right. I don’t get why people don’t understand that.

      2. Actually there’s multiple different ways a cat can meow, each with its own meaning, making up a language. But I feel like rao’s and mrao’s are more commonly used words than mao. What the words mean I have no idea.

  22. Gamercat is disappoint. xD

  23. I gotta do this every time a new Pokemon game comes out.

  24. If I were him, I’d know gamercat wants the game. Imagine selling a game to a cat!
    “Would you like the game in a bag?” “Meow!” “Okay! Thank you for shopping at GameShop!” “Meow!”

    “Wait… what just happened?”

  25. They just never understand.

  26. This is why I buy all my games on steam

  27. I do the same thing then maybe try to take the money and see if he wants the game

  28. luna The #1 Pokefan

    that is why we cats by all our things on the internet (meow)

  29. Do what Meowth did and learn how to talk like a human.

    1. Cats don’t have the same tongue as humans. They would have considerable more difficulty learning human dialect.

  30. That happened to me at a grocery store, except the woman was talking nonsense.

    1. OverlyDramaticLogic

      like what

  31. Screw you cashier SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY

    1. Nano I thought l said go to bed

      1. I already told you I am in a different time zone than you- ;-; no offense whatsoever :)

        1. If I am. Because I don’t sleep at 11 am… unless I pulled another all nighter. It depends. ;w;

  32. Shut up and take my money!

  33. I’d jump up on the desk and do his job for him. He would just be derpy and dumbstruck

  34. "Nyan (Nano)" NinetaNeko

    I would make him pass out and pay for it myself, than take all the money out of the cashier.

    1. NinetaNeko is my other name :3

      1. No it’s not and u should be sleeping

        1. Hi, In America the time I posted that was in the afternoon. If you are in a different time zone that’s okay :3


  36. gamer cat must be rily smart if he can buy stuff on a computer

    1. I fail to see how that would make him smart… I mean, he’s spent time as a gamer and figuring out how everything works and what the internet’s like, so he’d probably understand how to purchase something.

  37. Shut it and take money. Take. Money. Now.

  38. Why not he just shove the money onto the desk, then walk out with the game?

    1. Cuz he would think l am stealing :3

  39. Poor GaMERCat. He just wanted a gaming system.
    PS. GaMERCat you will be stealing game systems when they sell out because your owner did not preorder them

    1. That’s not a gaming system…

  40. I hate that little fairy so annoying

  41. He’s so cute though

  42. bro just let the cat buy the game SHEESH

  43. Whats the game he wants to buy?

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