The Best of Frenemies

Friends don't always agree, but what fun would it be if they did? And this is officially comic #300! Wow!! I can't believe I've done so many of these o__o I want to again say thank you to everybody that has been supporting this comic, whether you just found it recently or you've been here since the beginning. It's been quite a long haul, I've been working on it for over 5 years now! And with this amazing milestone, I've decided that it's time for me to go on break for a while. If I'm being honest with myself, my health (both physical and mental) still isn't in the best place, and I'd really like to rest and take some time to try new things this year. I also need time to start assembling the third book since it can now be made, and that alone will be quite a task. I'm not exactly sure how long the break will last, but it will be a couple of months at least. I will keep you guys updated on the progress of the new book, plus some new merchandise that I want to finally get going on. The best place to follow updates is via the Gamercat Facebook and Twitter accounts. I will also continue to make high-res wallpapers every month for the Patreon tier for those of you who are interested in them. If you'd like to follow my non-Gamercat stuff in the mean time, you can catch me over on Twitter at @celesse where I'm most active! Thank you again to all of you dear readers! See you soon~ Update 8/12/19:

1,409 thoughts on “The Best of Frenemies

  1. First again

    1. Oh snap!
      *Throws a blue shell

      1. no!!!! this is no way to do things. here you guys need to use the blue shell minigun (gives the blue shell minigun to BorizG

        1. *Grabs the minigun*
          This make a smile to my face
          *Shot Wess*
          We did it! We did it! We did it!

        2. *goes flying past in a bullet bill*

        3. *Placw color change Uno card* I cange your name to be black and *plays a stop card* Now you must skip a comnent

        4. H O O V Y

        5. Id love to see someone animate this little comment piece. oh and..
          *launches DSBGBcanon ball*
          *throws cannon too for good measure*

        6. I'm dead inside :')

          Seeing that comment makes me want to animate it

        7. Is anyone concerned that Glitch got dramatic on the 8th panel or am I the only one.

        8. I am so lost here

        9. TravisChessie1933

          Mario Kart 1

        10. and uno. mow

        11. then why are you on boardwalk? you owe me 800 caps now.

        12. Powerpuffrailfan121

          You need to use this *hands them a red button*. It’ll set off a blue shell orbital strike! :D

      2. How the Blue Shell has evolved.

      3. I know I’m late to this but.. the people who scream “FIRST” shall be hit by blue shell and bullet bill. *Hits Wess with bullet bill* Nice.

    2. *quietly loads a blue shell Jericho Missile*


      2. DO IT DO IT DO IT!


      1. Are you talking to Wess or the guys beating him with spiked turtle shells?

        1. Definitely need the white Turtle Shells to deck the guy in last place for that comment.

        2. Replying to Tim from June: Wess.

      2. I’m pretty sure it’s become a GaMERCAT tradition.
        Also, I use my BLUE SHELL SUBMACHINE GUN!!!


      1. *Shows a Gaster Blaster the sive of Germany*This is a surprise

        1. *Launches a blue shell looking nuke* Won’t make it out of this one will ya first place?

        2. tEMmIE GiVes yOUs A SpIkE ShEll ThAT SuPER Big!

        3. …Lucifer dammit Temmie *Get’s oblidirated*

        4. It’s been a while but… *loads blue shell rocket launcher* …this is too fun to give up.

    5. No im first!!!

      1. why do people try to get in first and thay now that thal get obliterated sorry for bad spelling

        1. let me now wiy

        2. Tem NEVER DIE

        3. are you shour?

        4. well then wiy do you now you are going to get hit and still want first

        5. and im gesing that everyone hear has mareo cart 8 deluxe sorry for bad spelling

        6. just looking at theas commits makes me realize that some people get up at 3 IN THE MORNING TO READ GAMER CAT! I AM CONFUSED THAT IS INSANE!

        7. Uuuugh… Well that was a coma. What did i miss… Oh i see. Well now that it’s summer anyone over the age of 11 has their internal clock Under maninence and repair so it’s offline for a while. I mean it’s 4:25 AM for me right now.

        8. i juts got band for puting in like 10000000 ?s and i can still come in i think its probably a glitch ho and i will put a shorter version of wat i did

        9. now it wont even let me commit it

        10. I’m from britan that’s why? It’s actually 10 am

    6. I WANT MORE GC!!!!!!!


      2. Me too. But I have a plan: ima come back in April. Approximately a year after this comic was uploaded. Worst case scenario, there’ll still be nothing, and the comic went dead like vg cats. Best case, she started uploading again a week after I post this, and I have a bunch of new ones to read.

        1. Poor Wess, did he know she still hasn’t uploaded by 2021. I mean, its been two years and she hasn’t uploaded! Im so sad :( GC IS DEAD

    7. But those faces in the 7th and 8th panels tho!

    8. Dang how long did this go on for

    9. How naive of you. Now the first thing we see when revisiting our beloved strip. The first comment, it does not praise the work, nor mourn its end. Instead it is simply “first again”. The comment itself is annoying, displaying someone who rushed straight towards the comment section without reading, for the sheer sake of being first. I know you didn’t know what was to happen at the time, but looking back you should be disgusted by yourself

      1. Let me be the first to welcome you to this comment section.

    10. KNACK 2 BABY


    11. *pulls out blue shell minigun* *aims it at wess* *fires off 100 shots*

    12. Breon_The_Umbreon

      Time to animate this

    13. I’m just randomly saying, I’m going to be GaMERCat for halloween

  2. Dang, now I want a slushie tornado!

    1. I like smoothie hurricanes better

      1. Same. I don’t even like sushi.

        1. I can’t tell if that was a typo but either way… ew. sushi tornado doesn’t sound the best thing I could spent my health on.

        2. noob / pro gamer

          I mean slushies

      2. Slurpee Storms are copyrighted, I’m afraid.

        1. What about Shake Quakes?

    2. In my day we called it a suicide. I never went to any slushie place that had tart, sour, or zesty flavors though. Just different kinds of sweet
      Nice metaphor though!

      1. oh yeah, I remember!

    3. @LionHeart ah i see a fellow person who reads Warrior’s..another great cat book series

      1. gamer/feathertail

        greetings, it is nice to see more warriors nerds around.

        1. I have finally found my people! who knew it was as easy as going to a comic and looking at the comments? (Thunder clan is very awesome!)

        2. I need to finish the first book still.

        3. Jade Nightshadow

          my friend reads them, but I only played the game on scratch…:|

        4. GoodLuck / One-Eye

          I’m rereading the books at the moment i’m on MoonRise and man there so good i’m starting it ether tonight or tomorrow but man it’s nice knowing i’m not the only one who reads them on this site.

        5. You guys should see my school library’s checkout list. I think i have checked out books in the Warriors series like 40 times altogether… they have like 25 Warriors books. Think my top book is Firestar’s Quest. Checked it out 8 times lol.

        6. noob / pro gamer

          my older sister is into warrior cats

      2. its nice knowing im not the only one who reads the books.

        1. I can’t believe it! I have been loving the series and I have a set of the first six books! Anyone else have some of the books? (All the clans are cool! Erin Hunter has been one of my favorite authors since I read the first book of Warriors! It was really good!)(to all those who haven’t read the Warriors series, I say, read it please!)

        2. I kind of wish they would stop making books, they’re great, but i’m getting tired of it, i wish they would give a happy ending and focusing on the other series the Erins write. Although, I do love it enough still where i’m making my won story/fanfic of warriors



        2. Dovewings eyes are green


        3. YAAAAY TO DOVEWING, WARRIORS AND LIFEE!!!!! No wait. Take back that last part.

        4. notice how the conversation changes to a whole different thing

        5. Same

        6. first slushy tornadoes and now this*

          *look at the commits up thare

        7. warriors obsessed guy

          I am star clan

        8. warriors obsessed guy

          I am star clan. I protect all.

    4. mmm loved that series before it got just a bit too repetitive

    5. although with the last series it made a comeback…

      1. warriors obsessed guy You are my new favorite person.

  3. Yes, mixing all the different flavors together to get a new one is fun. Why do you think cocktails exist? Try it with other kinds of food too.

    1. Like… salami and Nutella?

      1. Salami and nutella are best together as sandwiches, with banana bread.

        1. Salami… and Nutella? Uh…

        2. I despise nutella.

        3. Canadian Propaganda Division

          On 19 April, a statement was said that was found to be incongruous with the federal law

        4. i would eat that lol


        6. Professional jooj person

          Good morning to everyone but these two

      2. Remember, Ham and Peanut Butter sandwiches are only HALF as good as they sound.

    2. Like soda and (condensed) milk. Or mayo and jam/jelly sandwich.

  4. Until next time, take care.

  5. Thank you so much for the 300 comics of awesomeness you have created. Take all the time you need to recover, we will be here if you ever decide to return :) Take care :)

    1. You know what? I 100% agree with you.

      1. Wait…

        1. God D_____! why do I always have to be the bad guy? I’ve done some good this too! like I uh… helped an old woman across the road or something, that being said I did try to toss he-


        2. noob / pro gamer

          Wow great job.

        3. noob / pro gamer

          Justin. :-(

        4. too many justins aka justin, justin 2.0 justin, 3.0

          ugggghhhh we already have enough justin’s we got the first 2.0 and 3.0

        5. It was me that created Justin 2.0 but it was more or less just a joke. I won’t do it anymore.

          To justin: Woah, you’re back?! That’s a suprise.

        6. it was a joke tim time im fine with all the justins

        7. to justin 1
          you should have seen what we done with you banned ps how did you get back

        8. Justin what the acctual hecc are you talking about?? I didn’t say anything wrong yet you act like you started an argument or something

        9. I didn’t even mention you

        10. i slow claps for justin i wow. just wooooooow.

        11. oh hey you still exist. neat.

        12. So how has it been being dead Justin?

        13. Well, hell was kinda pretty

        14. That’s good to hear. Have fun only being dead inside now.

        15. Great job! You are so helpful!

        16. Can’t believe someone actualy commented up here.

  6. take your time , you are doing a great job

  7. having relax and me time is important too, just take your time :)

  8. Well good luck with your life!

    GaMercat, but explained with food.

  9. Guest comics!Guest comics!

    1. AylaStarDragon! AylaStarDragon!

      1. where do we submit guest comics?

  10. well she always needed a break isn’t it true?

    1. GoldenDonutzGaming

      It’s as true as this website is real.

      1. True.

  11. glitch with the save

  12. Hopefully you can get your life where you want it to be. I know the feeling. Your comics are a joy to read and something I always look forward to, and I love the products you come up with. See you when you come back from your break. Take care! =^.^= <3


  14. my brain almost exploded when this happened but i won my a match OF APEX LEGENDS and i was the one carrying the team for once PS i played as bloodhound

  15. i also need to mention that you needed a extended break because it has been several years ever since your last hiatus

  16. This is weird, not yesterday I thought to myself- “Hmm, I wonder if she’ll take another hiatus again” and BAM it happens. But please, thank you for all the work you put in just to give casual passerby’s on the internet a great experience. I’ve followed the comic for awhile now and it truly is a joy to read!

    1. She announced it last week on the Tapas update

      1. i don’t look on tapas. sue me.

  17. “Better yet, why are we even friends?”
    Well… just click my name.

    1. good point

    2. I’ll give you that one.

  18. can someone put me unconscious until the comics are back up

    1. Okay fine but theres a 33% chance you’ll die from it.

      1. wait? wut!!!! clonck!

        gets hit from shovel

        1. *Writes a check for the knockout on a post it note and puts in on your forehead*

          That’ll be 5 dollars.

  19. … Is it just me or is the art style diffrent? I like it.
    Enjoy your Hiatus Celste!

  20. could the next maybe be sonic forces or smash bros ultimate

  21. Take care Celeste! We understand!

  22. On God, another hiatus.

    Please tell me it means guest comics like last time.

    1. poeple who want guest comics spam guest comics over and over

      1. And that’s a problem…why?

        1. i never said it was a problem

  23. how many comments and replies will be here until the comics are back up? just guess cause i think it will be over 100 by the time a new comic is here

    1. We usualy reach 100 comments normaly so yeah. I’d say 200-300 Would be impresive.

      1. we should try 500!

        1. OOh yeah lets do 500.

        2. no 1000000 more like lol

        3. we are almost to 500! :D

        4. Yeah. Only 135 to go… Wait… 135… That’s alot of comments left.

        5. compared to what we already have its not

        6. and now its 118 commits left

        7. Sliw and steady did win the race… The snail race that is… Oh wait… France. Okay. Slow and steady won the turte Race… Oh right… Japan. [Bleep]. Alright……………. I GOT IT!!!
          Slow and steady did win the [This section of this comment has been removed as it is nlt suitable for anyone no matter age or Prefrencess. Additionally the commenter has been sent to a mental health hospital. We approcoate your understanding]

        8. sooooooo close!! :)

        9. only 175 commits left!

        10. 164 commits left yay! :D

        11. i realize that evre time new comits come out i say how much are left

        12. sad isint it

        13. we did it yay :D

        14. hellooooooo?

        15. anyone out thare

        16. literally like one year later HELOOOO IM V-V-VARY COLD AND LONELY UP HEAR IN THE FORGOTIN COMMITS

        17. My god. I thought these comments where abandoned.

  24. anyone who wants to do a countdown to see how many days it has been to see how many days it has been until the next new comic say i and say how many days it has been since this comics release

    1. Please do no chain comments like this with the number of days or it will be flagged as spam. There is no need for a countdown.


        ***All posts following in the count chain have been removed. ~Algy

      2. oh wait there’s actually moderators? wow no wonder that justin person kept getting banned.

        1. if its real than my last words are………… YOLO!

        2. anonymous, are you and bongo cat the same person?

        3. bongo cat and anonymous

          yes i’m the same i just keep forgetting to switch my name

      3. you sure youre a moderator? its probably just your name

        1. Avocado's Number

          It doesn’t matter if they are a real mod or not: it will be spam nonetheless, and then the other, definitely real mods will have an issue.

        2. Why, yes I am ;) If you would like confirmation, feel free to email Celesse at [email protected].

        3. Hey Algy, I tried to put a link on here to Celesse’s online manga on here, but it disappeared. Why?

        4. I fixed it. The spam plugins flag links, so I just had to approve it.

        5. Ohh. Thanks for clearing that up! ow0

        6. Algy, check the most recent update news thingy and scroll down. Is that really Celesse, or is someone just trolling us?

        7. Yep. Troll, big time.

          Just FYI to EVERYONE, Celesse will not make any kind of announcement in a comment. It will ALWAYS be in a NEWS post.

          Celesse still posts on her Twitter account, so you can always check on her status there; her personal Twitter is

      4. Who says that youre a moderator?

        1. she is fix-it-felix!

        2. Who?

        3. I dunno the (Moderator) tjing is a pretty good sign though.

  25. oh yeah i need to mention i wont be commenting anymore in 23 days cause i’m going on summer break than but ill be back when schools starts and i might have a new name or profile pic or both but just a fyi i’m going to become bongo cat from now on

    1. im now a bongo cat! if not than give it time to load my profile pic

      1. also this is my goodbye gift to all if you have spotify go to it look up dank tank and look for pokemon theme it better than you think

  26. gamer cat going on break? welp, time to undergo metamorphosis for until i get info gamer cat is back! AND REMEMBER! LIFE IS AN ILLUSION, EVOLUTION IS A LIE! DARKNERS EXIST! BUY GOLD! BYE BYE!

    1. jevil is just evil hiding behind J

      1. no, im THE Jevil! if you dont know me, find me in the card castle, hidden in freedom, which you might think is solitary prison, but i can do ANYTHING NOW! hahahahahahahaa!!! CHAOS CHAOS!! BYE BYE!!

        1. Ever stopped to relieze that a balerina could beat you? As lonh as the balerina knows pacify that is.

        2. what is all of this crap you guys are talking about

        3. If i knew i would tell ya.

        4. ralsei cant pacify jevil cus he always dies first.

        5. That’s why Kris always buys EVERY. SINGLE. DARK. BURGER in the dark world.
          Or if you’re like me you play a green stop uno card.

        6. wait ralsi from deltarune chapter 1? is this a secret boss fight or something also i need to mention i never lost a single fight in deltarune chapter 1 but it has a really bad ending just sayin

        7. Ralsei is the peince of darknes you neet when you reach the castle at the beggining of the game.

        8. no pathetic dancer could b- wait are you talking about kris? he ISNT a ballerina. he is a valiant warrior! oh great now in talking like roulx kaard… what a wierdo. ok im gettting off topic. stop insulting the protagonists!! and secret characters like me.

        9. I wasn’t ismnsulting any of the main charachters and i’m defeniently not saying Kris is a ballerina. I’ saying that A ballerina could defeat you if said ballerina knew pacify.

        10. *insulting (How did i get it taht messed up?)

    2. wait a minute!! I thought gamercat was an INSIDE sort of gamer

      1. b*tch wtf bro?

  27. Another break? I hassa sad. :(

    Seriously though, enjoy your well earned break and get plenty of rest and fun! Your health matters so do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself! We’ll be here when you get back! ;)

  28. thank you for making so much comics for everyone i love your comics so much i read all of your comics over and over again. i will always be waiting for your next comic i will miss them. :)

  29. my birth day is in 6 days! i will be 11! everyone say happy birth day!!!🎂

    1. hello?

      1. a now kind of disappointed gamer master

        iv bin waiting for 2 days for someone to reply

        1. I think it’s because they are either waiting untill the 22 or just deosn’t care.

        2. Well, hope you enjoy it as much as i did becoming 13.

    2. Happy birthday…

  30. Sounds stressful, but i still think school is even more so..
    Anyway, good luck with all of that! Hopefully i can afford Volume 3 on the kickstarter!
    I know it’ll be a few months but i’ll still check this site every monday just in case.

  31. Regain your hp. Everything else will wait.

    1. Listen, if I can go to the inn 50 times in a row and nothing happens, Exdeath is just too slow.

  32. Has it been 5 years? Wow!

    Have a good break Celeste and take as long as you need. Your health is important.

    Thank you for 300 pages of joy! <3

  33. Time to show you what Sharpness IV looks like.

  34. Like I said on the Tapas page, I hope you get better, not only mentally, but physically!

  35. I love these comics. Every Monday, I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with next. I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into these, and I think that if you would like a break, you totally deserve it. Hope you feel better!
    ~Daisy Kitty

    1. If u want I can trade some Pokémon cards for Pokémon cards. The ponyta (sorry if misspelled it) cards cuz I have none. Hopefully u read this but yeah. I have 3 gx or 2 and if Tyler Furrison is reading this I am interested in trading. Gx for gx. U said for a vaprion (idk how to spell. Lol)

      1. i have pokemon cards too

  36. 🎵You ready for this one?🎵

    Up, Up, Chu!

    1. I thought atleast one person would comment on this.

  37. Get you on twitter.
    Have proud on your handiwork till now and take some well-deserved rest.

  38. Yay! I think you deserve a break, after working so hard

  39. I love Gamercat! And yeah it sucks that there’s a break but you deserve it!

  40. You need to make this a YouTube show. This needs to be a YouTube show. Also, throwing back to the Glitch using a FF guide, I’d do the same thing to my friend.

  41. Sayonara for now, Samantha-chan. Hope you enjoy your break, you deserve it~

  42. oh god i had the worst dream it was including this and there was suddenly a lot more new comics but one of them at the bottom said it was the last comic and was being discontinued it was a nightmare

    1. You should try lucid dreaming. It’s when you can control your own dreams. Then you can have infinite comics.

      1. but here’s a problem it seems that my brain splits into 2 when i sleep like one half controls the dream and the other half is the victim or also me and i have no control over my dreams no matter what.

        1. Try a dream journal and/or do reality checks. Because in dreams. Literaly nothings impossible.

  43. Your comics are always awesome! Have a nice break! :)

  44. (wakes up) I smell a new comic…. its not here. dammit. ok bye

    1. How… How does a… New comic… Smell like something… At all?!

      1. i can do anything, THATS WHY!!!!!!

        1. Then why couldn’t you free everyone from imprisonment?

        2. enchanted prison?

        3. Okay so if he couldn’t get out of the enchanted prison wouldn’t that mean that he can’t actualy do anything?

        4. well maybe he could use magic in the prison but the prison was enchanted making it immune to jevils magic preventing him from escaping

          wow this is such a delayed reply

        5. nobody likes or cares about me… thats why theystay in their prisons why im still free. now shut up im sleeping. im gonna /lurk/ now.

        6. Wouldn’t that just make it easier for you to destroy them and throw the world in chaos if their imprisoned and don’t care about you?

  45. What is your favorite game of all time? Remember. If you answe incorrectly you DIE!
    Have fun!

    1. We need to talk about Fred

      MegaMan X

    2. how can you incorrectly answer an opinion question? ):<

      1. DuN'T hATe on mY LiTTlE PoNY, iT'S MY FAvorAtE shOw!

        Like this!


        1. fell into my trap. HA!

          NOW DIE!

        2. *gets jaw ripped off*

        3. Yup now you have to die Justin. Let me just pour this gasoline on you aaaand. Ah. I love arson.
          Btw bongo cat. What’s your favorite game of all time?

        4. I literally just got my jaw ripped off, you’re just pouring flammable liquid down a corpse

        5. It's 4 in the morning. Why am i awake?!

          I know. I just wanted to light some fire and bodies doused with gasoline make for a suprisingly good fuel. Suprisingly of course

        6. Are you Mark Hoffman?

        7. If i was wouldn’t i be dead?

        8. But that hasn’t been completely confirmed yet

        9. If he is still alive could he get out the house?

        10. i just realised i never told you my favorite game it is kind of a 50 50

          plants vs zombies battle for neighborville and don’t starve together

        11. DTT is pretty good. You get to live.

  46. Make Gamercat play fortnite battle royal

    1. She’s on a break right now. Wait untill she uploads comics again.

    2. Tyler Blevins? Please relogin.

    3. help i accidentally died

      tyler…. NO. shut the f*ck up you cringey a** lobottomized sh*tlark.



  48. hi there stranger. have mess im gonna call a rant.


    I get the whole first thing is annoying.

    but boi, its gamercat culture at this point

    even if it wasn’t just calm the diddly dang down, its not like they said “haha. black people suck.” or something else that’s actually offensive, theyre just excited theyre commenting on a webcomic first, therefore are here early. not that big of a deal.

    this will probs attract a crap-ton of hate and ill probs regret this it like, 5 minutes when I realize how crap this comment is but oh well, take my random opinion anyways.

  49. They call me purge. Chu!
    All pleasure to meet you, Chu!
    I make the galaxy dance for me. Down!
    Dance. Don’t give him the chance. Down!

  50. Happy 10th anniversary

    Found ya *throws blue shell* (you) oof *like ROBLOX. (Make a roblox comic.)

  51. 🔫you ar not
    (You are not secure.)

  52. 2 weeks without a new comic…
    Having gamercat withdraws…
    Rereread the old comics….
    Going insane….
    Enjoy your break celesse

  53. man i miss reading a new comic from her every week, but she deserves the break.

  54. I LOVE gamercat and I love his comics but go enjoy ur self dude! in the meantime ill be staring at what the original gamercat looks like :)))))

  55. beep boop. why a break? beep beep boop. im confused. your comics are good. are you defective and getting repaired, beep boop? (calculating root sounds)

    1. robot*

      1. because she needs break! she needs rest in order to stay healthy! how would u feel if every week you work hard on a comic that many ppl enjoy? it would probably take a toll on your health!
        she deserves the break, and even though many ppl will miss having an awesome new comic every week, we know she needs the rest.

  56. Justin has this skill of both being offensive and funny at the same time.

    1. i wonder how he keeps getting unbanned?

      1. New accounts.

        1. hey i’m back and unbanned

        2. good thing i have 2 accounts ps one temporailer and one permanent

        3. Didn’t know you were banned. Why were you banned?

        4. for the stupid chain comment on the countdown

        5. Ah i see.

        6. If you were banned, then it was most likely due a WordPress plugin. That is why I gave the warning that it could happen.

    2. I’m gonna try not to be as offensive now

      1. We’ll se how long that will last.

        1. to algy i dont do wordpress!

      2. Press X to Doubt.

  57. I’m sorry to hear about your health! Please enjoy your break-you have worked so hard. ^_^

  58. I love u Celesse!!! Keep up the good work! P.s I’m 11.

  59. Dear diary.
    It’s been 3 weeks without a new gamercat comic. The withdraws are driving me insane. Up is down. Down is up. I can’t even remember what Malcolm even looks like. I keep clicking the wrong apps like my journal app every time I mean to click on the internet… when will the madness end.

    1. Hey kid… I uh, got a little something else for ya. An animal based comic… A good one. It should, heh, help you with your withdraws. What do you say? Heheh.

  60. we reached partway to our gole only 300 comments and replies to go guys

  61. Loads of comments disappeared!?!?!

    1. Just get to 300 on the first comic

  62. Concerned TimT!me10

    What happened to the site?!

    1. WHHHYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

    2. We lost so many comments! We’ll never reach the goal!

      1. okay but why is the side all [beep] up?

        1. Oh it’s been fixed.

  63. A month and a half? Still no new gc comic… I’m having withdrawals. *starts violently convulsing* UHUHUWAAHHUHUHWHUHO

    1. I have just what you need. Here’s a bat. Use it on yourself and you will wake up just when the comics starts comming out.
      T!m corp is not responisble for death, coma, severe headache or pretty much anything.

      1. HahAAaa

    2. YESS Celesse! PLease make a new comic we miss gamercat so much :C


  64. NOOOOO What happened to our comments :( we were so close so so close

    1. Hmmm. I wonder. Let’s work up to 300 again and if it happen s again then maybe theres thibg that prevents to many comments to be made. Maybe to prevent lag?

      1. Maybe welp…crap

        1. Appereantly they moved the site to a new sercer and accedentaly messed something up. That’s arleast what i’ve read so far.

        2. Yeah that’s what algy said.

        3. Gamerrrrrrr humaan

          Let’s try again tho

      2. We have 800 now!

  65. Okay.. Almost 100 comments deleted and the site has a weird new layout..
    the icon for the tab is now gears.. so like.. is the site getting an update?

    1. This will be the most commented post of the world.

    2. The site was moved to a new server, so it went a little crazy.

      1. it getting moved to a new server caused some things to break a bit? I’m gonna assume that things are gonna get fixed? Like the icon (because right now its just a pair of gears) and the scale of the website? i don’t know if the scale being lowered was on purpose but i’m pretty sure the black bars on the side shouldn’t be there.

      2. OHHHHHHH. That makes a lot more sense! Thanks algy! (I used o hate u but now I know ur just doing ur job) :)

        1. Also, this may sound dumb but will the comments come back? They probably won’t but I’m just wondering.

        2. Hey, if you press algys name it goes to an animal art websight. What’s up with that?

  66. Not first

    1. you’re a bit… a lot late.

  67. First (wink)

    1. 2 months with no gamer cat is driving me insane what does Malcom look like left is left and down is right pls hlp

      1. *Hugs* Don’t worry everything is gonna be fine……….maybe

      2. I have this heh, Time machine. Apply it to the head at a high speed an uh, boom. You’ll wake up in the future. Note that, um. You might have a slight headache but that’s just a heh, side effect from time traveling. And it only costs the low uh, low price of you’r credit card details. It’s a really… Good… Yeah it’s a really good deal. Um… Heheh….

        1. Stop being so edgy and just admit that it’s a baseball bat

        2. Yeah that’s… That’s the act. I’m acting as a sleezy busniess (that’s not how it’s spellEd is it?) guy selling people stuff and claiming it to be awsome and revelutionary things. But now that i’m thinking about it I have only sold baseball bats so far havent it?

  68. Y’all ever just look around and it looks like a YouTube video on 1080p. Btw I use this to socialize with other human beings because i dont have friends why am I taking my time to type this tho srsly.

    1. Also several months since last post what

      1. Also Mtn. Dew AMP Game Fuel ads

        1. hey you have twitter? you should follow me. i post unfunny stuff.

  69. The GaMERCaT 1# fan


    1. I’m with you

  70. Ever stoped to think about how when in the pokemon anime. The things the pokemon says comes from humans. So an adult has said “pika-pika-pika-pika-PIKA, CHU PIK!!!” Unironacly

    1. No and now my head hurts….help


    1. Sorry but when your head starts to hurt from this you’ll start to see spoken and written letters and Me-meee- mareep! Pancham Pancham. Pika, CHU!!! So if you just do that you should be fine.

      1. Wait no that this was supposed to be a response to the comment above this. Sorry!

        1. Also I just realised on that guys name he wrote pLS as in please but it looks like something else…

  72. How to make snow bread.
    You will need:
    3 slices of bread.
    A prefered jelly.
    1-2 bannanas.
    Whiped cream.
    Start by smearing the jelly over the first 2 slices of bread.
    Cut the bannana(s) into round slices and spread them equaly on the 2 slices. Put the 3rd slice on top and coat the hole thing in whiped cream. If there are any bannana slices left put them on top of the snowbread. Finally grate chocolate on top of the snow bread, you can also grate chocolate on the sides if preffered. Enjoy!

    1. That sounds really..reallly YUMMY i’ll have to make that sometimes

    2. But why?

      1. Because i came up with it about a year ago and i’ll be dammed if i can’t prove that you can make perfectly good cakes out of normal bread!

        1. Jelly and banana? Gross? The rest sounds good tho

        2. Well it depends on the kind of jelly you use. Just a warning though. NEVER use lingonberry jelly. For anything.

        3. Lol. Ok. What jelly would you recommend? Do mean jelly like jam or the wobboly jelly?

        4. I’d recomend strawberry jelly. And i mean jelly like jam.

        5. Gamer huuuuuummaan

          Oh ok that makes sense.

        6. inventor of the year award going to come to you someday T!MT!ME

        7. Well i want’t to beclme an enginer so…

  73. So whats everyones thoughts on Pokemon Sword and Shield?

    1. It looks pretty good. I’m going for pokemon sword.

      1. My friend and I split for the duo pack. I’m taking sword he’s taking shield. I have a couple issues. 1:No Nationaldex… at least at the moment. hoping they implement it in later updates. 2: Not big on some of the new pokemon shown… Corviknight however… He’s gonna be with me through the entire game! That imp thing.. Limpbizkit or whatever they’re calling it. just doesn’t look like a pokemon.

      2. I’m going sword too. It looks incredible

        1. Also Venus, that’s a good idea. I tryed that but my friend wants sword too so meh.

    2. I plan on starting with the Golden Deer’s before I check out the other houses… oh, wrong game XD

      1. Yea i’m going with Sword too and yes Corvinknight is one of my favorite pokemon…now all i need is a switch lol

        1. Yamper > Corviknight > Wooloo

        2. GAMER HUMAN !!!!

          You haven’t got a switch?!

        3. No…You want to buy me one??

        4. Nah I just thought all gamers had switches.

  74. nobody hears so imma say the nword

    1. drown eht yas ammi os sraeh ydobon

      1. Wut? Drown the say aimm so earsh dobyon???? I’m do confused.

        1. Professional jooj person

          Me,who probably missed your joke,here.

          He said the same thing as the first guy but backwards.

        2. No I wasn’t making a joke. I thought it was in pig Latin and I was really confused…

  75. Oooooh. Nobody hears so imma say the nword but backwards for some resen

    1. I just picked a random comment to say backwards. Taht’s all.

      1. Gamer human (that other guy)

        That’s cool. I guess?

        1. Whoa why’s my pic like dat?

        2. Oh it’s coz I’m using my friends email. Woops! I’ll change back to mine. There.

        3. Alright…

        4. What?

  76. It’s another happy Monday….
    And… no… gamercat…
    So it’s just another monday….
    I hate Mondays.

    1. Professional jooj person


      1. What the f*ck have you bestowed upon this cursed land

  77. Ookami (formerly Sam L)

    36 more comments to 300. WooT WooT. 300 comments for the 300th comic.
    No spamming to get there people. Let’s do it. Let’s do it for Celesse (Samantha Whitten)
    Also I am changing my name to my online tag. My old phone for some reason always put my Google tag when I commented and wouldn’t change it.

    1. Okay… But what’s an Ookami?

      1. Japanese. Means wolf.
        My nickname in school was ippiki ookami. Which is lone wolf. I was literally friends with almost everyone in school but was not one of the popular kids. So I was in a group of my own. I would sit at an empty table at lunch and kids would leave their tables to eat with me. Cheerleaders, football players, nerds, goths, etc didn’t matter. I had my pack… no one missed with me and yet I was a nobody. I accepted everyone for who they were. I danced with the hippy girl in the rain. Took the goth chick to prom when her boyfriend told her it was a waste of his time. I helped everyone with their school work. I was friends with the bilingual students that were still learning English. And helped them translate when they had a hard time. And when my life started falling apart… they were all there for me.
        One funny story. I tripped and fell into the school bully. Dude didn’t hate me but I made him mad so he picked me up and threat to slam me into the floor. (I was 6 foot tall if that tells you how much taller he was and I had on a Letterman’s jacket so he miss took me for a jock.) This girl out of no where tells him to put me down. She’s telling him about how I was friends with her (his girlfriend) and that if he beat me up, she would leave him because everyone in the school would hate him for missing with me and I’d get be with her because I was a gentleman and would treat her right. He put me down. Straightened my jacket. And begged her to not say anything to anyone. I was dumbfounded. The school bully was now terrified of me and I didn’t even know who his girlfriend was. But she knew who I was. And I earned the nickname the three days later. Because everyone knew what had happened. I thought great, I got saved by a girl… this can’t end well… surprisingly it did. It was the story of David and Goliath. I was mistaken for a popular kid, threatened to be beat up by the school bully, managed to defeat him without throwing a single punch. And I was gaining in popularity and I didn’t want it. I stayed me. And so amongst some of the students I became ippiki ookami. To others I was called Samwise. So it was 2 nicknames I carried.

        1. Ooookay. I’m curious why people called you Samwise but now i’m to afraid to ask. My best guess is that it’s related to the bully story.

        2. No. Lord of the rings referance. I was as loyal to my friends as Samwise was to Frodo even when I was right and they didn’t want my advice. And my name is Sam. The running joke was. “You’re so wise… and you’re sam… you’re…. Samwise”

        3. Oh. Okay.

  78. YES! People! Lets make it to 300 comments! (and/or replies)

  79. 20 more comments!


    2. Dats gonna take forever

      1. We can just get everyone in!

        1. Gamer human tut tut tut

          Like 5 people commented and we’ve done it.

    3. one day…

      1. Uuu wut

  80. Maybe unless we can get everyone from TimT!me10 totygo five to do this.

    1. WE CAN DO DIS!

    2. Uh… What?

    3. Were you attempting to mention me or

  81. Gamer human thinks this will take too long , like this message

    I like t!m t!me 10 and bongo cat. Bongo cat left tho :(

    1. Yeah. I miss that guy.

  82. Omg lets talk about what comics we want Celesse to do! I want her to do a fortnite or another splatoon one. Mario kart would be cool too.

    1. I’d like a comic showing the cats thoughts when it comes to the new animal crossing game.

    2. I would not mind a Star Wars one tbh but copyright

      1. Oh I like ur idea Tim. The new animal crossing looks boring, lots of work but fun! A bit like stardew valley. OOOH THY SHOULD DO A STARDEW VALLEY ONE!!!!!!

        1. Oh wait they already have :(

        2. Why are you sad that they already made one if you wanted one?
          And when it comes to New horizons it seems that it has a little bit of island escape (a minigame in new leaf) blended into it. I only hope that it won’t cause problems with the “feel” of animal crossing.

        3. 1. I dunno
          2. Yeah your right

    3. I’d rather not have fortnite since its still very overrated.

  83. Justin… is that you?

  84. 300 COMMENTS!!!
    and no new updates

    1. I’m pretty sure this Comic strip has the most Comments now.

      1. I am pretty sure these comments are now the comic strip..

        1. Can’t argue with you there.

        2. While waiting I read a different comic on the internet, just thought people should know.

        3. Traitor there is only one comic you need and its gamercat…
          And awkwardzombie…. and missmab…. and katraccoon…
          Man i read a lot of comics…
          Omg I have betrayed you celesse. I am sorryyyyy!!!!

        4. That comic looks good

  85. LET’S TRY 400!!!!!!!!

    1. We’re at 325.
      Just 75 more to go

  86. #protectglitch2k17

    Help him.
    He’s too pure for this world.

  87. I just want to ask you a strange question. I can divide guys out there into gamers and furries. So, how many furries are there?

    1. Uhh.. Gamer furries are legal right

      1. The Crusher Of Your Dreams

        NO NO THEY’RE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. The GaMERCaT 1# fan

    IT’S JUNE NOW FOR PETE’S SAKE!wait why not mickey’s sake?HA HA!I crack myself up.anywhoooo…I NEED MY GAMERCAT!!!!
    (sob sob)😿🎮

  89. Rest in peace Etika

    1. I know he was the best, someone left a cardboard F in the place where they found him, imagine finding the body of a famous youtuber.

      F :(

  90. AFanInDireNeedWhoLostTheirPhone


  91. WE HAVE BEEN WAITING LIKE FOREVER FOR A NEW COMIC!!!! she did say she was going off for a few months guys

    1. A few months is more than two. Maybe 3, or 10.

  92. wow i cant believe its been 4 months and i read all the comics a few days ago. I LOVE THIS COMIC SERIES

    1. God I’m so bordD

      1. ‘…’ To you too

    2. HehehehehehHeheheheheh


      1. WHAT DA BLIP

  93. CandyKittenLOL (gamer human)

    Im gonna change my name coz why not.


  94. …Good for you.

    1. Huh? I swear i clicked reply.

  95. Starting to think this chick ain’t coming back.

    1. I’m sure she’ll be back… Hopefully…

      1. Whome?

      2. At this rate I’m starting to doubt it. She said shed keep posts up on twitter and facebook but those haven’t been updated for ages, like last jan for twitter and middle of last year with facebook. Now is months later and still no update on either and no word here.

    2. How long was she on break last time? I hope she’s doing okay.

  96. What’s your favorite comic? If it’s “there you are” choose your second favorite. That’s my only rule.

    1. Savestate is coming in on a close second this one is by far number one

      1. I should have been more spesific. I meant comic strip from this comic. GaMERCaT. Good to know you like savestate though.

        1. I quite like the earlier ones when there trying to find players for the group it reminds me of how we got here.

        2. I love raina telgemere and gale galligan

        3. OOOH I misunderstood! I mean from gamercat that really sad one when glitch gets lost in the snow and another cat finds him and looks after him! So cute!!!

        4. That comic strip is “there you are” the only comic strip i banned because it’s everyones favorite.

        5. oh. then the one were gamer cat firsts finds glitch and he’s playing on a game boy

  97. Hope everyone had a good holiday week (Those in the United States)

    Can’t wait for the return of the Gamercat comics.

  98. It’s Monday. Time to update the comic…
    Not today… okay, see you next week.

    1. Panel 1
      Glitch: Order up. The final splatfest is soon upon us.
      Pixel: So you are going with team order?

      Panel 2
      Glitch: I sure am
      Pixel: that’s swee-
      GaMERCaT: Whaaat?!

      Panel 3
      GaMERCaT: I thought we were gonna be on the same team
      Sweet: Greaaaat…

      Panel 4
      Pixel: Wait you booth picked chaos. Why?!

      Panel 5
      GaMERCaT: Black’s my nattual color
      Sweet: Chaos is apart of everyday life.

      Panel 6
      Pixel and Glitch look at eachother.

      Panel 7
      A war has begun
      Pixel and Glitch: THERE WILL BE ORDER!!!
      GaMERCaT and Sweet: CHAOS SHALL RULLE!!!

      1. This sounds like an actual comic wtf

        1. Well splatoon is a good subject to base something of. Speaking of which. Tom- Oh geez it’s 2:29?! What am i doing still awake?! Okay, um. In about 12-13 hours we will bring chaos to the battlefield. I can’t wait… Seriously. 2:29… I need to sleep

        2. 2:29AM….ha i go to bed at 3PM and wake up at 8PM ha i’m better……please help me

        3. Better? 3PM is close to mid day. How do you fall aaleep mid day? But olay, here’s some advice. Male sure you have something to do untill nighttime. Stick your head in (or just drink) cold water if you’re feeling drowsy and just make sure your room isn’t an oven…. Mine might aawell could be.

        4. well iit seemed like a no brainer that chaos won and it was the only splatfest that i’ve won in

      2. I. Am. So. Excited. For. Version. 5.0. Aaaaaaah (in splatoon 2) oh hey! If anyone has a Nintendo switch can they give me there friend code! I’ll try friend you. My names splatato so you know it’s me!

        1. I’ll give you mine in a few days (I’m sleeping at a relatives house and forgot to bring a switch)

  99. how do you get a thing for yor profile

    1. Gravatar

  100. who’s excited for minecraft earth! i am! :D

    1. its kind of like Pokemon go

      1. well so are many other games like jurassic world alive. havent stoped playing that yet. cant wait for minecraft earth!

  101. search minecraft earth dantdm on youtube

    1. i meant to reply to my commit woops

  102. dos anyone realize that yore profile tilts randomly?

    1. now i see a pattern the pattern is tilted right then straight up then tilted left repeat weard

      1. i meant weird

        1. It’s just the way the comment bit was made. To jazz it up a bit I guess

  103. i just caught up with gamercat again, have an awesome break! also, have you played detroit: become human? the fanbase is slowly dying and i would love to see a gamercat comic on detroit before it’s gone for good lol

    1. Is your name Hayley as in from stardew valley? I’m dating her. And Shane. And Emily. And Im also married to Sam and have a kid with him. Dose anyone know how to Dump people in stardew valley? I know how to divorse but not how to dump

      1. Just don’t interact with them and give them gifts they don’t like.

        1. but they’re my friends! wait a sec…. its a video game

        2. Wait so you’re married and wan’t to dump someone else whos in the friendzone? Oh look at that a black hole is in my room. Let me just grab my bat

        3. Okay don’t worry. I’ve bashed the black hole away. It should be dead.

  104. 400!

    1. Woop woop woop woop! PARTAYYY IN DA HOOOUUUUSSSSEEEE

  105. Ok, no offence Celesse but I. Reeeaaallly getting bord now? I get that your doing other stuff but it has been….. Ummmm…… 3 or 4 months? Too long

  106. My room is an oven and I can’t do anything about it. The only thing that helps opening my windows, drinks LOADS of water and sleeping on the floor

    1. My rooms also an oven. But i can’t open my window because of fear of spiders. Luckely though my dad’s been fixing a new vedroom for me.

      1. Your a kid?

        1. You’re not?

        2. Can’t argue with that. How come you use adult jokes sometimes? Do you have a switch? Give me your friend code! Oops sorry ….

        3. SW 3572 9229 6407

          I’m actually a teen but i couldn’t pass up that response.
          Also could you guve me an example of an adult joke i’ve made because i can’t recall any other than sleezy bussnies thing.

        4. Some of your jokes I didn’t understand so I thought they where adult jokes… Oops. Thanks for the friend code! (I’m almost a teen)

        5. I’d give you my friend code but I’m at my mums house (their divorced) and she diesent have a switch

        6. Actually. I’ve looked through the comments and some of them are sorta adult but more like the lethal kind. Hope you can get to your switch soon.

        7. doing it now. (my name is splatato) wait i already said that

        8. oh wait i didn’t

  107. How have you not made a yo kai watch comic yet?

  108. is that even a game?

    1. i ment to reply to dan theman_1234

    2. Sadly there is

      1. ???

        1. do you mean its bad?

        2. Never again…

        3. i dont get it

        4. I mean that i didn’t like the game

        5. CandyKittenPOOP

          God, why did I even have to THINK about this game :(

  109. hey everyone say yore favorite comic strip in gamercat mine is self made millionaire

    1. EY! Ye stole me idea!

      1. i did?

        1. well anyway say yor favorite comic plz

        2. I… Don’t think i have one… give me a sec

        3. It’s a tie between Order up and Moonstruck

        4. no i mean wat is yor favorite gamer cat comic

        5. That’s exactly what i meant. Order up and Moonstruck are the names of two comic strips on gamercat.

  110. You are doing a great job.

    1. what are you talking about?

    2. A GREAT JOB!


    1. I play a blue stop UNO card that makes you have to skip a turn and therefore you can’t kill yourself. UNO

  112. say i if you have a Nintendo switch

    1. and also say yor favorite game on it too

      1. Me. I like splatoon and all the mario games

  113. The anonymous is back

    Summer is almost over and still no new comics

    1. She went on break in April. It’s now August. That’s decidedly longer than a couple of months. I hope the extension is because of the book and not her health. :( If it’s because of the book, Samantha, please drop us a line here to say how it’s coming and if it’s because of your health, I hope you get better soon!

      1. Oh jeez it’s been 5 months? Huh, reaching 500 comments might not be as implausible as i first thought.

        1. Unless someone else’s comment posts first, this will be comment 454, so yeah, 500 isn’t implausible at all.

        2. Er, I meant 455 in that last post, but now it’s 456 so… Yeah, I could get us to 500 but I don’t feel like it today. It’s extremely humid here – dew point is 74 – and if you walk outside it feels almost like you’re in a swimming pool the air is so wet. If I pulled a fish out of the water today, it might not notice it isn’t still in the water. O_o

        3. If you meant posting a bunch of comments that just has random words in it then it wouldn’t work. We’re trying to reach 500 comments semi Natrualy.

        4. Nah, I was mostly joking while melting into a puddle from the extreme humidity… ;P But we are getting dangerously close to 500 comments. ;)

        5. I hope your electronic devices aren’t getting water damaged.
          Ja nu är det ju bara 28 kommentarer kvar så har vi äntligen nåt den där Inga 500 kommentars milstenen. Det kan vi alla ta hand på då!

  114. So who is familiar with sims 4 let’s plays. If you are then tell me. Which sims 4 let’s play is the craziest one you’ve seen. I’m gonna tell you right now though. It’s not as crazy as the one i know of. Trust me.

    1. I feel like you doubt the cult of jim pickens and the power of kevin.

      1. Nope. That’s exactly the sims 4 let’s play i was talking about. I had to keep it to simply “crazy” as to not make it obvious.

  115. Panel:1
    Glitch: GaMERCaT. I made a mario maker level.
    GaMERCaT: Really?

    Panel: 2
    GaMERCaT: Let me try it. *takes switch*

    Panel: 3
    Mario maker level starts and it’s an underwater level with an absurd amount of cheep cheep

    Panel: 4
    Mario is attacked by cheep cheep

    Panel: 5
    GaMERCaT: Um… Glitch? How did you get so many Cheep cheep’s into this level?
    Glitch: Glitches!!!

    Panel: 6
    GaMERCaT:.. But why on Cheep cheep?
    Glitch: I like fishes!

    Old roots die hard

  116. how long will it take to make another one

    1. Read my comment to steeloid

      1. Or just click my name

  117. i miss your works , i dont need a complete comic , i can be a little draw of GC cosplaing?

  118. When will you be back with more comics?

    1. She said she’s not quite ready. Look at this

  119. Sadly I think this comic is dead due to the fact she has not responded with updates in months. I understand issues but I actually think she should just have ended it earlier with how much it was stressing her

    1. Agreed

    2. I think that if she decided to end the comic then she would say it instead of leaving everyone in the dark. But if the comic is dead. Check out Savestate. It’s another animal based gaming comic. It’s not as heavy on gaming but it’s still good.

      1. I think she would let us know if she was ending the comic like she did when she ended Strays unless her health has gotten worse where she can’t (like she’s in the hospital or something). :(
        She did say she was working on the book, so maybe she’s just super busy. I hope that’s all it is even though it’s been 5 months.


          Just saw this right after I posted and feel dumb now. But… Good news – her health has improved! YAY! :D Sad news – she’s not ready to make new GaMERCaT comics yet, but the good news makes me happy!

          So glad you’re doing better Samantha! Even if you don’t get back to making GaMERCaT (as sad as I would be) I’m happy knowing you’re okay and thankful for all the comics you DID make (not just GaMERCaT but Strays and all your cute animals too). Stay healthy and if you DO get to a point where you feel like resuming the comic, we’ll still be here! ;)

        2. And we will proboably be at 1000 comments by then. Okay i know that was a bad joke. If she doesn’t post commics anymore. We’re fine with that. A persons intrests and well being is far more importnant than a web comic.

        3. Ye

        4. Agreed Tim. I’m sure she’s glad to know so many people are rooting for her and wishing her the best no matter what. I for one am glad to see a comments section filled with positivity and people being nice to each other! It’s sadly rare these days and I think it speaks well of Samantha that her comics inspired a friendly comments section! :)

        5. True.

    3. Agreed. Samantha has been on break for 6 months. The last one was about 3 or 4 months.

      1. She deserves a break. I agree with Tim.

  120. WAIT A SEC. Are you saying there I’ll be no more comics?! -faints-

  121. Well has she done anything on her Twitter account or has she keep up with her wallpapers for her patreons?

    1. She mostly shows her cute animal drawings.

  122. Oh wait, I just read the news! :))) she’s said she’s not quite ready but at least that’s something!

  123. ALSO YOU CAN READ HOUSEPETS WHILE YOUR WAITING :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    1. Imma read naruto and my hero academia. Here’s the site

  124. Oh hey! If you have mario maker 2 give me your code for your levels! Ifi comment (my name is splatato) then plz play my levels too!

    1. Didn’t i reply to this commen’t?

      1. Oh wait no. I mixed them up. Sorry.

  125. I dare someone to count all the words in every comment once we’ve reached 500 comments.

  126. Without an automatic word counter of course. So you have to do it manualy.

  127. you know you could just lessen your load of work you need to do like 1 comic every 2 weeks or however you want to do don’t let me tell you what to do just an idea celesse

    1. CANDYKITTENLOL oops, caps!

      Is that bongo cat????? No Soz I got confused

      1. yes it is i

        1. oh i just got unbaned yay for me

        2. CandyKittenLOL :))))))))

          BONGO CAAAAATTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        3. T!M its bongo cat!

        4. Bongo cat! You’re back! You’re just in time. It’s not lonf now before we reach 500 comments.

        5. Hoe’s it been?

        6. *how’s

        7. SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Btw I was gamer human and also splatato but you probs don’t remember me :(

  128. I have many secret identities. Splatato, gamer human, tunujuhyfrf. I am A SERIAL KILLER REALLY

    1. lovely, just lovely…

  129. powerpuffrailfan121


    1. Yes. But this isn’t what the comments are for anymore.

      1. powerpuffrailfan121

        It’s just, I’ve never seen sweet smile before until now

      2. powerpuffrailfan121

        think about it have YOU?

  130. !'m so sorry for doing this

    Well… I have to do it it’s GaMERCaT culture… Sorry…


    1. As an apology you can all crusify me. You can’t choose by the way

      1. Candy.....kitten.....LOL

        Gamercat is Becoming…. Dead

        1. Oh yeah, carry your cross to the top of the hill where gamer cat and all the guys from strays have also been crucified. then be prepared for torture. ooooohhhh lets put your cross upside down

        2. I have 1 question and 1 thing to say:

          1. Why would GaMERCaT and his friends be crucified?

          2. I wouldn’t recomend putting my cross upside down. First time that happened war stopped being a concept. Then i think the 5th time the black plauge was unleashed. Oh and last time it happened… The twin towers… My point is that crucifying me on an upside down cross always ends badly for everyone else.

        3. the answer to your question:
          it was kinda a joke because gamer cat has been on a hiatus for so long that the only possible explanation is thant he has finally been crucified for stealing stuff i guess.

          opinions on you ‘thing to say’:
          how about on its side!

        4. Are you okay?

        5. Yeah sideways should work.

        6. hey, i sent you the friend request!

        7. I accepted it yesterday or the day before i belive.

        8. oh yea

  131. Heyi just re-read some of our old comments and I’ve realised so much of our comments are missing :(

    1. This is fine.

  132. I actually think we’ve broken the sight…

    1. Sight? Do you mean site?

      1. yeah

        1. By commenting too much

  133. This is a great thing, I think everyone feels this information is very valuable, thank you

    1. uuuuuuh wut?

    2. Run 2 was better
      Change my mind

      1. Run? The game where you’re an alien?

  134. Where’s everyone gone? I never see anyone commenting anymore.

    1. It’s been like 2 days…

    2. I’ve litirally only seen 3comments in like a week.

  135. lol changed it again

  136. Does anyone have mario maker?! (2) if you have made cool levels send my the ID code. If I comment (my name is splatato) plz play my levels too! (sorry to ask again)

    1. I have the game but i haven’t made any playable levels yet.

      1. Oh. Why’s that?

        1. look at the date and time we both committed within the same hour

        2. … So?

        3. Oops I did my email wrong

      2. I find it a little hard to use the level editor especialy since i don’t have a switch stylus (Yes. That’s a thing) so it feels a little uncomftorable to make levels. I also sometimes use the buttons on the left joycon because i constantly think that it will move the coursor one block. That’s just me however i’ll just have to get used to it… And start playing my switch again. All this minecraft is getting to me.

        1. You can just press the screen. That’s basically it. Just youse touch screen. The buttons are too confusing!!! I tryed it once on my tv so I had to use the buttons and it was WAAAAYYYYY to hard

        2. I have tried it but it’s a little hard to hold the switch with one hand and i prefered to play docked. Thanks anyways.

        3. I dun even own mario maker on me switcheroni

  137. im baaaaak i havint committed in so long sorry for bad spelling

    1. Oh wow me neither. Even tho I come back almost every day to see if there’s a new comic, I rarely scroll down into the comments. Idk why.

    2. Uuuuu. Who are you again?

  138. Oh hi daisy kitty I was talking to gamer master. I remember you from ages ago :)

  139. powerpuffrailfan121

    HEY! I have an idea for the next comic: why don’t you do one where gamercat is talking about the full-dive system from Sword Art Online.

  140. Tomorrow is September

    1. Tomorrow is the 2nd of September.

      1. Tomorrow is the 3rd of September.

        1. Tommorow is the 5th of September.

  141. iits the last day of summer summer felt short

    1. No kidding

    2. Do you mean summer break? Cuz for me, that ended in August. (The 7th I think)

      1. Yeah. In England it ended on 4th September or something

        1. It did!? I feel so bad 4 u


    cool can there be more gamercat???

    1. If you want something else to read (By Celesse,of course) Here’s a link for an online manga!!!!

  143. I finally found out how to log back into my other account! Yesssssss.

    1. Good job! (Remember me?)


    1. Ditto.

      1. Twice ditto.

  145. 26 comments to 600. We can do this.

    1. It’s not 11:30, It’s 8:30. Ah, oh well. Other time zones don’t bother me much.

  146. Is this a joke I missed?

  147. Doodlebob: Urgh?! Dewagheaugagh! Bawahh bwah bwah wahh! “Meahoy, memoyay? MeyoyYOY, ladyonmamoy!”

  148. Q*bert: $;&?@#

  149. Does anyone want to talk about Terraria: Journey’s End? Maybe Terraria and Minecraft?

    1. The thing i’m the most exited about is the bestiary. It will be so much fun.

      1. I never really thought of one thing as being the best. I do think it will be fun and helpful, though!

        1. oooh i used too play terraria when i was little

        2. Testvids - Terraria Enthusisist

          Tell me more. I need to know if you still play, or, why did you stop?

        3. I mean… It was on my dads phone and we deleted it a long lime ago so… I don’t really remember anything about it

        4. Understandable. If you ever get back into it, fell free to tell me.

        5. You should get the game again. It’s an amazing game. Especialy on the PC.

        6. Oooooohnits on steam? I’m guessing on the phone it’s a bit rubbish

        7. I once played it on a tablet. I don’t remember much, though. From all the reading about it, I’d say it’s subjective.

        8. Yeah it’s on steam.

        9. I have to buy Terraria nowadays.

  150. wow there are so many comments that it takes me over a minute to scroll to the top

    1. How did your comment get above mine? I know that I posted first. Also, last I checked, we were at 607 comments. Why did it go down?

      1. Did you look at the days…? bongo cat: September 9, 2019.
        Testvids: September 11, 2019. Hate to say it, but bongo cat posted first.

  151. Electronic Arts got into the Guinness book of world records because one of their comments on reddit got 683,000 downvotes.

  152. And we wait.

    1. I will now make faces. o_o

      1. D:D
        the illusive happy/sad face.

        1. _(O_O)_
          / /

  153. Miguelantopere Gamer

    take your time mate, we can understand what you are a person like me and everyone and he needs a breaks of whatever you are working, because being estressed working it’s not healthy, so take your time and comeback when you had enough break!

  154. hey tim wanna play super Nintendo with me?

    1. Okay but tommorow because it’s 10:31 here right now and i’m about to fall into a state of unconsousness.
      Tell me if you have a discord because the comments (most likley) can’t be used as a messanger like chat room.

    2. yeah im just off too school. i don’t have discord :( but if you see im on go too super nintendo :)



      1. true dat.

  156. *********To whoever is posting as Celesse, stop or your IP will be banned.*********

    1. Algy, I think the’re back and intimating you now!

      1. And they’ve been banned.

        1. *Internal Celebration*

        2. That’s good.

        3. but have they been baned for a while or forever

        4. because if not i vote for the forever ban

        5. Huh? What? I missed waayyyyy to much

    2. She can. She will. She is.

      1. …what?

  157. *Slow Claps* Genius *Slow Claps*

    1. I know I know. Thank you. Thank you. -Bows- oh please your too kind

  158. We’ve done around 15,000 words and 78,000 characters!!!! :0

    1. you counted? 0_o

      1. Uh huh. I have nothing better to do

  159. She’s not coming back, is she?

    1. If she isn’t back by april 15 2020 then i will give up hope.

      1. I will forever have hope!

        1. HOORAY FOR YOU!!!

        2. THANK YOU!!!

  160. It’s amazing how you goofed this one up Justin.

  161. ꧁ᗪŦ꧂♕🅵ᗩH丅ᗰ♕

    WHEN IS THE NEXT COMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    2. That is a question that no one has the answer to… Besides Testvids apareantly…

      1. I have the answer… ł₮ ₩₳₴ ₱ⱤɆ₮₮Ɏ ₴ł₥₱ⱠɆ….

  162. Instead of hounding her waiting for the next comic, why don’t we all send her get well through her burnout and thank her for this amazing series she’s made?

    1. Yes. We need to do this.

      1. and yet nobody but you 2 did anything

  163. CandyKittenLOL needs to do something with her life

    I feel a lone in an electric world of comments. Why do I live inside this broken old iPad? Why am I hiding my real criminal identity to play with people about random stuff which doesn’t make sence? This world makes no sence. This world requires you to fib and lie to be popular. The end is nigh. <- (video game reference)

  164. „Too many people buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have to impress people they don’t like.”
    Dave Ramsey

    1. This… Well, I don’t know what to say. (Write? 0_0). Are we going to do quotes now? I have one!
      “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” -Bruce Lee

  165. Guys we have to do arotest if she’s not back by April 15th 2020 ok?
    (also lets do a spiderman protest to coz I’m not happy about that). >:(

    1. CandyKittenLOL!!!!


      1. Is everything okay?

      2. Hoe are we supposed to protest after the fact?
        Oh and to Testvids. Whenever CandyKittenLOL goes to long without a GaMERCaT comic CandyKittenLOL delves into madness. I would to if i wasn’t a bot.
        Click this link to buy a steam train

        1. Uh uh. Yup. I’m deserving in to madness and braking stuff ihhjvjjyfjhvjhghjvhjvjhvjhvjhjvjchtdhctftftthhgfjfgjfjhghjgkhgkhgukgku.

  166. CandyKittenLOL, TimT!me10, bongo cat, and everyone else needs to click my name! =^w^=

    1. I can now sleep with a smile on my face. Thank you Testvids.

    2. Candykittenlolisdead

      Aaaah. My iPad ceeps crashing every time I try to go to that page.. Grrrrrrr

  167. It has been 160 days since this comic was posted.

    1. Huh. Thought it had been longer honestly.

      1. so that makes it what half a year or how long because i’m not doing any math

        1. Candeh kittehn poop

          Yes. Yes. Yes yes. (plz help meh plz)

  168. Testvids but as a cat

    I can haz chezburgur? :D

    1. NO

      1. Testvids but as a cat

        But y hooman? Y mst u b mad?

      2. Testvids but as a cat

        Wait, I get the joke now. It’s that image where the cat asks and Grumpy Cat says no.

    2. I give testvids the cat Chezburgur! ( happy music )

  169. Testvids but as a cat

    Wait. I get the joke now.

  170. T̶e̶s̶t̶v̶i̶d̶s̶ Obi Wan Kenobi

    “I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

  171. I think we may have broken the comments.

    1. Oh, never mind. It was just my comment not showing up. It was for you, TimT!ime10. Click my name, hooman.

      1. Here. I forgot it.

        1. That gave me a good laugh. Thank you Testvids!

        2. its amazing what the power of photoshop can do in 2019

        3. You guys are so nice!

        4. OMIGOD. I need that as my profile picture

        5. They’re so cute! Some of them are kinda creepy… but still cute :3

  172. I’ve come back, like, 10 time today. Anyone else come back this much?

    1. Nope. Not me. Not at all. *whistles innocently* Well, I don’t post much at least… ;P

  173. Cat. Kitten. Cat. Cat.
    Basic descriptions of the GaMERCaT team.

  174. I wanna hear what you guys think the GaMERCaT crew would look like if they were human.

    1. I’d say something from and anime.

    2. Sweet would definitely be a big buff Hispanic dude.

  175. Wow. So close to 700 already. You were right, Tim, we are gonna get to 1000 by the time this comic comes back.

    1. Sometimes it’s sad when you’re right.

      1. *Pats on back* It’s ok bro.

  176. Testvids and a Lego Movie reference

    Fluffy! *Meow* Fluffy Jr.! *Meow* Fluffy Senior! *Meow* Jeff. *Manly Meow*


    1. Nooooo (it was me)

      1. THANK YOU.

  178. TimT!me10, Do you have a Terra Blade in Terraria?

    1. Yeah i think i have one in a chest somewhere. Why?

      1. ‘Cause I’m trying to get one. How useful is it?

        1. It’s pretty usefull. It deals a solid anount of damage (95) and even shots a green sword like projectile when you swing it. Though it becomes basocaly obselite when you get the meowmere. But thats a post final boss sword. But definatevly recomend getting one. It’s worth it.

        2. Thanks. I, uh, actually was thinking of a different sword when I posted this, but it’s helpful. Thanks again.

        3. Okay. Could you tell me what othet sword you were refering to. Or if you don’t know the name could you tell me what it does and/or what it looks like?

        4. Testvids (Thank you...)

          I can, actually. I was thinking of the Night’s Edge. I always get it confused with the Terra Blade.

        5. Okay yeah. It’s the strongest pre hardmode sword (42) and whilst it takes alot of swords the only one that could be a little difficoult to get to craft the nights edge is the murumaza. But it’s definatively worth it for pre hardmode.

        6. Cool. I’m half of the way there with the Light’s Bane and Blade of Grass. How did you get the Hellstone, though? I can not tell you how many times I have died trying to get them.

        7. Try using an obsidian skin potion. If you don’t have one you can just make one out of a water bottle, a fire blossom seed (can be found down in the underworld), a waterleaf which you can find in the desert and some obsidian. Alternativley you can use a lava charm but that can’t be crafted and is incredibly an rare item in cave chests.
          If you have trouble getting into the underworld you can make a hellevator (that’s the actual name) which is basicaly just digging straight down and if you run into a cave you just put walls at the sides.
          If you’re having trouble with the enemies i sadly can’t help you. Really the only thing you can do there is mine as much hellstone as you can before you die and then repeat that untill you have enough.

        8. I usually make a Hellevator to get to the Underworld and go for the later option of obtaining hellstone. I’ll try to make the potion later today, and maybe see if I have a lava charm anywhere.
          Thanks for this, and I’ll tell you if I have any luck.

        9. Okay.

  179. Does anyone want to read a different webcomic? One that has a cat and coffee (or tea)? Just click my name for a look!

    1. still its not the same as gamercat.

      1. True, but it is cute.

    2. My favorite webcomics are Sarah’s scribbles, Shen Comix, and Randowis (some stuff is pg13)

      1. have you not heard of one of the best webcomics to exist?

    3. i like savesate, housepets and others

  180. GUYS!!!!!!! IT’S GOOGLE’S 21ST BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Simple answer: it got deleted.

  181. If she ever posts a comic again what do you think it will be about?

    1. HMMM… … … …

      Videogames? Eh. I got nothin’.

      1. Hmmmmm
        Ed sheran desides to buy the cats but he has no video games so gamer cat tears him to pieces. then they all go to jail and are never seen again! merry christmas! :)

        1. T̶e̶s̶t̶v̶i̶d̶s̶ Sans

          *you, uh,

        2. It’s not even October yet CandyKittenLOL. Wait untill november before saying merry christmas. (It’s a pet peeve)

  182. Anyone want to see how big a comment can get by just hitting a button?

  183. Minecon Live 2019!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I watched it from the beginning to the end. While it was live. Took 2 hours. Worth it!

  184. T̶e̶s̶t̶v̶i̶d̶s̶ Sans

    *yo, kid.
    *ya ever think about the timeline?
    *didn’t think so.
    *i might have, uh,
    *changed some.
    *you want this comic to stay alive?
    *don’t worry, kid.
    *in every timeline,
    *every scenario,
    *every decision,
    *none of it effects the outcome of this comic.
    *it’ll come back.
    *ya just have to have some patience.

    1. there goes sans braking the 4th wall.


      1. T̶e̶s̶t̶v̶i̶d̶s̶ Sans

        *I finally get noticed, huh?
        *me breaking the,
        *what was it?
        *4th wall?
        *bongo cat,
        *don’t you think it’d be a
        *little boring if i didn’t break
        *the 4th wall?
        *i mean, it’s not comin’ back for
        *a while.
        *besides, i got, like,
        *6000 mint edition
        *[insert fake trading card game name here]
        *at home.
        *dang it, frisk.

  185. are we doing this through the whole year

    1. if this goes on until april i’m calling the comic over

      1. Ok. Wow.

  186. Yo, TimT!me10, I heard you like cats, so I put cats in your cats so you can cat while you cat.

    1. Okay i’m gonna put you on speed dial because you always manage to get a smile on me with your links. Im gonna send you to something now Testvids. It sadly doesn’t have anything to so with cats but it’s pretty funny nontheless.

      1. Testvids is happy :)

        HAHA! I smiled the whole time! Even when I only read your comment!
        I have another thing to share with you, and it’s more intriguing than it is funny.
        Also, your name reversed is tIMt1ME!)

        1. Clicked too fast.

        2. LOL!

  187. TimT!me10, did you know Kirby purrs like cat if you pet him? That could be the plot of the next comic!

    1. Does he still do that if he absorbs and uses rock powers?

      1. Maybe not.

  188. Happy October dudes! Get yer pumpkin spice or whatever you all do for fall… I just play Nintendo and smell that crisp air like *snORT*

    1. OCTOBER YEAH!!! Sorry. It’s my favorite month.

      1. WOOHOO!! October!!

        1. Guys don’t forget my birthday! (you guys remember when it is right?)

        2. April 22?

        3. No! 27th oct! I’m disappointed

  189. How many shrimps do you have to eat

    1. Before you make your skin turn pink

  190. I know what comic should be next! Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. :D

    1. I have that game on the ds. Not gona lie. It’s actually a pretty alright port.

  191. warriors cats gamercat:
    BOOM PEEEPS its logic

  192. oh and
    navi:annoying starclan cat

    if any else comment back

  193. btw im also crooked star

  194. try reading these in high contrast mode cpu users

  195. Does anyone else wonder what happened to the Annoying Fairy and the Anonymice? (Plural of Anonymouse). Maybe they’re off on another adventure without us!

    1. Well The annoying fairy’s wherrabouts are unknown. As for the anonymice. I only saw them in one comic.

  196. Plip

    1. This comment will go fown in GaMERCaT history as the greatest comment to have ever existed and will ever exist.

      1. OMIGOD. That’s the most meaningful thing I’ve ever read. Please! Encore!

        1. It will be the YEET of the new generation. All hail the plip.

  197. GoldenDonutzGaming

    When will this comic return?
    It’s been forever!

    (not rushing, take your time Samantha)

  198. I want to see another Undertale comic where Gamercat fights Mad Mew Mew.

  199. Has anyone heard about The Untitled Goose Game?

    1. Yeah my younger brother has the game. I’ve played it a little. Only gotten to the resturant part though.

      1. A comic about it would be awesome.

        1. CandyKittenHONK

          I’m in love with that game! The Restraunt part is the second last bit. I’ve finished it(kind of) honk HONK HOOOONNNNKKKKKKKK HONKY HONK

  200. Duchey of questionable sanity

    I got an idea. What if i put myself in a deepfreeze hooked up to an IV and invent cryo sleep.
    Probably not how it works but fork it ill make it work!

  201. i have not committed in FOREVER!

    1. hay TimT!me10 remember me?

      1. i will check this tomorrow!

      2. Hey how ya doing. Why haven’t you commented?

        1. i dunno im just busy doing other things

  202. TimT!me10, why are you being mentioned in so many comments? Not trying to be rude, but like, did I miss a comment battle or something?? Again, not trying to be rude, just kinda curious (possibly just ignorant) :P

    1. I believe it’s because i became friends with some of the commenters.

      1. Yeah you are fairly memorable for having a unique profile picture

        1. Yeah it’s, uh, it’s something else to say the least.

        2. i just like all the conversations i have with him

        3. i talk with him every new comic i think

  203. hay anyone remember mattomatteo?
    i haven’t seen him commit in a wile.

    1. No, what comic did they comment on last?

      1. Like, the first ones. I haven’t seen him in yearssssss

  204. What’s better than cats? Nothing. What’s almost as good as cats? Pixel cats.

    Bonus! I got the best comic. Gamercat plays Minecraft in a Pixelmon server!

    1. That’s adorably funny. Now i can start my morning in a good mood.

  205. WAAAAAAA, SOO MANY COMMENTS. anyways does anyone remember me and how long is this break?

  206. I’m sorry for everything.

    1. It was you after all. It makes complete sense. Now all that’s left is an explenation for how you pulled it off.

      1. Pulled what off?

        1. Everything your sorry for.

  207. 5

    1. 4

      1. What are you counting down to?

      2. Hey time!me10 remember me??

    2. Marzipan Sunset is waiting

      He’s counting down until the bomb goes off. DEFUSE IT-

      1. Cut the red wire!

    3. 2

      1. 1

        1. Happy birthday to me.

        2. Happy birthday… Smh

        3. Noted.

  208. im not sure if anybody will care but does anyone miss fortnite

    1. YES. (I’m listening to pixel by Tokyo machine. Idk why I’m even saying this.)

    2. Marzipan Sunset has opinions

      lol wow so is Fortnite dead all around the world? Some ppl think it’s just a prank to get ppl worried abt Fortnite to get them to play it again.

      1. so i’ve looked it up on google and it looks like fortnite is back and one of the first skins i see is my favorite but i’m not sure if it is back cause well i’m still in school right now

      2. Minecraft and roblox are more popular.

    3. Not really, didnt even play it. Still an amazing marketing stunt. Made it to the news around the world.

  209. Omg! I haven’t checked on this in like a month and there are already 800 comments!

  210. Ah, only 195 comments till 1000.

  211. Hi T!m Time remember meh?? Probably not I haven’t commented in a while

    1. Does anyone remember me?!

      1. AHHHH

        1. the heck why are people still replying here its been like 4 months now

  212. I’m terribly sorry but i don’t. I’m pretty bad at remembering people if i haven’t seen them in some time. Both in real life and on the internet

    1. I meant this as a reply to Nyan (Nano). Why was it sent as a seperate comment?

  213. You can read brawl in the family* well you wait for another update to GaMERCaT! bitf** ended a little while ago but Is
    still hilarious!

    *sorry,I don’t know how to do a link!:( **I’m gonna call brawl in the family
    bitf now :)

  214. Guys… Im sad to say it but… It’s hard keeping up with all your meaningless comments. I’ll cheack in every now and then (like my birthday on the 27th of October don’t forget) but I think I’ll have to quit my job as an official member of the gamercat society. Don’t forget my Tim, bongo cat, testvids (LTYF) goodbye.

    1. Did my email wrong!oops.

    2. Sad to se you quit. Se you out on the internet friend.

    3. I will not forget you!

      1. Bye candykittenlol. See you on your birthday oct. 27.
        I am still here. Not really commenting any. But still checking in.

  215. oh yeah guys we cant just believe any celesses that says anything because remember that other fake celest the we “banned”

    1. hey guys i found out the creator is not dead.

      1. celess does not even have a sister its just some loser desperate for some attention

        1. Kewl.

          Destroy that loser and make sure they cannot return.

    2. This was just a troll. I’m trying to keep them away but sometimes it’s hard. Thank you all for being mindful.

      1. Phew! Trolls are the worst. I’m sorry their making it so hard for you algy.

        1. im just supprised that gamercat even has any haters/trolls

        2. this is for the memes

          you fools i have 70 alternate accounts!

      2. Thank YOU for finding and banning any trollers, and making the truth known. ow0.
        Yey Algy ^w^

    3. Riding off into the Marzipan Sunset

      Thanks for clearing that up, bongoboi. I can’t believe I got trolled. Still don’t have social media stuff.

  216. Definitely Justin in that case. On a serious note you shouldn’t trust anyone in the comment section if they try to spread out this kind of information. If it was posted under the news section or as a new comic but instead of GaMERCaT it’s just some text saying then it would be more belivable. Always second guess what you read on the internet.

  217. Guys if you forget my birthday Ima gonna scream. (27th oct)
    I expect at least some will say happy b-day. (sorry in desperate for attention… Also it’ll be nice)

    1. Have a joyous time on the chronological date of your coming out of the womb.

  218. Riding off into the Marzipan Sunset

    Man I feel like an idiot. Thanks for revealing that. I don’t have much social media stuff and I think people going around for attention like that are sickos.

    1. Riding off into the Marzipan Sunset

      I still feel dumb for falling into that.

      1. *pats on back* It’s ok bro. (quote by testvids September 25th 2019)

    2. thanks guys :3

  219. CandyKittenLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!woopwoop!!!!!!!!!uhhuh!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It turns out Ido have enough time to keep up with comments. Lol. I guess I take back my membership and I’m now officially back in da club! (only in holidays tho, school is ALOT)

    1. Cool!

      1. you should always have time to comment in school because i’m in school right now and i’m commenting

        1. Hahahaha.

  220. hey guys i’m making a gameblog and i was wondering if anybody would be interested in checking it out it has a lot of videos of youtubers and it originally started out as a school assignment and if some things have nothing to to with games it was probably someone i gave editing access to

    i will need your email so i know i’m sharing it to you

    1. also just so you guys know it is me and not a hacker well it’s me

      i dont really know how else to prove it is me other than saying it

      1. actually forget all of this i found an easier way of doing this just click my name

        1. so has anyone checked out my blog yet

        2. …anyone…

        3. wait why did my link get removed

        4. I’ll check it out as soon as I get the chance! I’d love to help out. It sounds so cool

        5. Did my email wrong. Oops

    2. I want to see it. can u post the link plz? :3

  221. and just another thing i’m on the front page and if you want to be on it just ask

    1. and if you guys have any suggestions than feel free to ask for editing access

      (unavailable for requests over the weekend if temporary as of im offline over the weekend)

      1. and forget all of this visiting the link enables editing

  222. (and unavailable after 2:30 pm central daylight United states area since school is closed and i am offline after school)

  223. 130 comments till 1000!

    1. Whoa

  224. Hey guys did you know that GaMERCaT is on akinator? I know this cause I felt like trying it once.

    1. What’s akinator? A website?

      1. the akinator is a game where you think of somebody and the akinator will ask random questions and you have the choose between yes or no to describe that person you are thinking of.

        it cant be somebody not famous

  225. How many comments do you think there will be by the time this comic comes back?

    1. I’m betting on somewhere around 1000.

      1. Yeah around a thousand souns about right if the comics come back within this year. Most likley in december.

        1. I’m hopeful, but I don’t think it’s coming back in the holiday season.

  226. Almost to the 100 till 1000 countdown! 110 left.

    1. This is related to all the comments that we have posted.

  227. Meme Marzipan Sunset

    Show me your dankest memes

  228. would anyone mind if i make a gamerdog comic? This has inspired me

    1. That already exists in this comic. As an aprols fools thing though.

  229. my school just gave me this weird assignment its not like i don’t know what to do weird its like actually weird does anyone want to know about it

    1. Marzipan Sunset needs a Gravatar to feel cool

      Sure, but what weird are we talking about? Is it weird as in psycho weird, killer psycho weird, mad scientist in a lab weird, that kid who eats glue and graphite weird, or just “What the hocky puck was my school thinking when they assigned this.” kind of weird?

      1. like i’m talking have to create a gross food weird

        here it is specific

        i have to create a gross food using 15 ingredients and using only up to 10 to 20 steps on how to make it but i have to use math fractions like 1/4 of this and 1/2 of this and the steps have to be like i have to put in some boiling water or put it in a oven for 5 minutes

        by the way this is not what it says i have to do i have to make my own gross food using anything edible

        1. *Insert Zelda Breath of the Wild cooking meme*

    2. Marzipan Sunset is confused by education systems

      Wow ok. I can’t even see any reasonable life skills in that other than cooking and fractions. I’d just put in nontoxic crayons like in that Good Mythical Morning episode where they made an ice cream sandwich with crayons lol.

      1. ok i feel like an idiot now i don’t have to make anything other than the recipe not the dish

      2. I love Good Mythical Morning. Best youtube show.

  230. powerpuffrailfan121

    dammit when are they coming back from break? Its a week from halloween!

    1. watch ur profanity

      1. powerpuffrailfan121

        sorry ..

  231. 99 more comments until 1000! That is our life goal, people. :’)

    1. i think the biggest long term goal is to make 10,000 comments in total

  232. I’m going to type a random song text from a game. Guess what game it is from without looking it up.:

    You ready for this one?
    Up, up, chu!

  233. After your break, could you make a comic of Pixel or Nano or someone playing Heroes Reborn Enigma? I love that mobile game, I play it for the powers!

  234. *The powers are: Telekinesis, Time Shifting, Time Manipulation.

    I’m an old hag.

    1. Happy birthday CandyKittenLOL. Let me sing you a swdish bitthday song:

      Ja må han leva,
      Ja må han leva,
      Ja må han levia ut i hundrade år!
      Javisst ska han leva,
      Javisst ska han leva,
      Javisst ska han leva ut i hundrade år!
      Ett fyrfallet levande för CandyKittenLOL han lever hippip, HURRA, HURRA, HURRA, HURRA! Badabampampampaaa….

      1. OMIGOD the literal translation to that is so funny XDXDXDXDXDXD

      2. Okay so i google translated it myself and here’s the thing. Google didn’t missinterprit anything. The song is extremly accurate in english as it is in Swedish. Also i see that you got a new Gravatar icon. Cool DragonCandy.

  236. Guys seriously. If you like gamercat (which I know you do) you’ll LOVE this comic, savestate. It’s about two dogs, kade and Nicole yo love gaming! They go on wakey adventures, meet a weird gohst rabbit called Harvey, and their toys get possessed. It’s THE BEST. Now, don’t call me a trator or anything ok? It’s deffo not a rip off of gamercat either. It’s more of a mixture of housepets and gamercat. Kind of. Anyway, hope you like it!

    1. Click my name for savestate

      1. Click my name for housepets. (honestly this isn’t as good)

        1. Oh yeah i love Savestate. One other thing that differs Savestate from GaMERCaT is that sometimes they do storylines that span somewhere arpund 5 or more comic strip.

          Also have you seen the comic strip where GaMERCaT and savestate do a crossover?

        2. Oh yeah. That ones a good one.
          Sometimes I skip really long stories.

    2. I clicked the link for savesate and I just see a bunch of furries, I’m not sure if I’m into this kind of stuff. BTW I’m not some furry hater I’m just really cautious on the internet.

  237. Guess what day it is today….

    1. It’s your birthday. Congratulations!

      1. DragonCandy (CandyKittenLOL)

        Ima eat pizza
        Ima go cinema
        Ima get presents
        Ima change my name and picture. I’m now DragonCandy

        1. Ahh. Pizza. Nothing like eating an edible frizbee.
          (Don’t missinterprit this, pizza is delishious!)

        2. havz good dai! cuz iz burfday!

  238. I’m alwayse watching….

    1. what the frick

      1. where’s a ban hammer when you need one

  239. It’s been 195 days since this comic was posted.

  240. Oh please don’t let this end up like Manly Guys Doing Manly Things! I want to believe Celesse! I really do! Please

  241. Am I the only person that read through the comments and noticed each one of us has gone through the five stages of grief

    1. holy shoot u right, boi.

      1. well not all of us went through grief

        1. vvvvvv
          >>>LYKE ME<<<

        2. bro that’s deeeeeeeeeeeep.

  242. Wrath hath no fury than when you overcook the pasta and Cooking Mama is about to begone your existence.

  243. What is really strange is that NOT ONE OF THESE COMMENTS IS RELATED TO THE COMIC!

    also Its been more than a couple months now shouldn’t there be more comics by now maybe?


    1. well yeah this is pretty much some social site now with all of us pouring out our emotions.

  244. The Hiatus of Undetermined Length, it has returned to claim the soul of another webcomic

    1. Wait untill aprill 15 2020 before you write stuff like that!

  245. Marzipan Sunset needs a Gravatar to feel cool

    I need a Gravatar to feel cool UwU

    1. than make a gravatar

      1. Allright heres what’cha need to do.
        Gör en solnedgång av marzipan.
        Ta ett kort på det när du är klar.
        Lägg till det som gravatar.
        Or you can be like me and use a 5-7 year old drawing of a fox head made in paint. That works to.

        1. that or you can do ctrl and shift and press the square with two sticks next to the right of it to take a screenshot of something you want

        2. I searched up the literal translation of that. I’m confused and you make me want to change my username.

        3. i’ve done it

        4. No i meamt that you have to buy some marzipa and make a sunset out pf it. Take a photo and use that as a Gravatar.
          Sometimes i like to use my naitive language for fun.

  246. Also what is everyone doing on Halloween? I don’t think I’ll be going out because where I am it is predicted thunderstorms on Thursday.

    1. I think i’m going to watch some scary movies maybe.

  247. just a random question but has anyone played or seen the game T.A.B.S.

    1. Yeah. It’s a wierd but fun and accurate game

    2. Yeah I have seen it played on Parker Plays.

      1. ok well just in case you did not know it is un early access and is coming to xbox and i also have several videos about it on my blog

  248. wow i’m surprised no one commented in the last few hours

  249. Happy halloween.
    I have a question. What comment have you made on GaMERCaT that you wich you could delete?

    1. the one i’m making right now >:]

    2. Every single gosh dang one. What about you?

      1. same, and every fandom comment too.

      2. Proboably the comments i made under an “alter ego” named Saul the Overhaul. It’s was before i got a gravatar do you couldn’t tell the differense.

        1. wait who?

        2. Saul the Overhaul. I pretended that that was another person untill i got a gravatar because then everyone would know it’s me.

  250. Vibe check. How are you on the vibe scale?
    *whaps with baseball bat*

    1. Baseball bat? You mean a time machine?

  251. Marzipan Sunset needs a life

    My fam had a party for people who couldn’t go trick or treating. We actually got a tornado warning at one point but it was just a lot of wind and rain.

  252. Hey i though it was pretty neat that a couple years ago before i realized this existed i had always made my username/gamertag GamerCat and i thought i should mention it

  253. 200 days ago, this comic was posted.

    1. Maybe on the third hundred day Celesse will come back to us.

      1. que the waiting room music

        1. oh no i revealed my true identity

  254. The GaMERCaT 1# fan

    Hey guys! Here is some comics for you to read!
    All ages
    •Sarah’s scribles
    •Breaking cat news
    •vg cats
    •Cassandra comics
    •foul language

  255. I just realised something. Where did the couch go in panels 4 – 10?

    1. couch goblins.

      1. OF COURSE!

  256. Guys I had a really weird but cool dream last night that would make a cool plot for a story or some Netflix series does anyone want to hear it?
    Another comic series is RandoWis, sort of PG13 but it is absolutely frickin hilarious I wheeze at every single one.

    1. Let me hear it.

  257. We are so close to 1000 comments! We can make it this week!

  258. For me, 8 months :C

  259. * throws a green shell at box of poptarts for being 8 months late to the comments * *Moment of realization*
    nOoOo mY PoPtArTs!!

  260. “Going on brake”
    Gamer Cat never returns.
    Whelp ._.

  261. Maybe the Gamercat crew moved on and actually got lives as cats scratching up bed posts and hacking fur balls. And not in the computer sense.

    1. You know GaMERCaT wouldn’t be able to go so long without playing a video game.

  262. ONLY 15 MORE COMMENTS TO 1000! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!

    1. 13 comments left to get 1000 now

  263. It-A-Blue shell launcher

  264. Ten more comments! This is what we’ve been living up to!

  265. We did it everyone. We hit 1000 comments.
    Our lives are now completer
    Any comments made after [November 6th, 2019, 5:08] pm is not part of the first thousand

    1. Congratulations, everyone! It was tough, but we made it! 1000 comments, we made it!

  266. I guess you could say that I’m the first person to comment after reaching 1000.

    1. Orettt much.

      1. What do you mean?

        1. I meant *pretty. Have no idea how it came out like orettt.

        2. Thanks for clearing that up, I didn’t know what you meant before. And don’t worry, I’ve had TONES of typos in my life. It happens.

        3. It sure does.

    2. Orettt sounds like some anime character. Brainstorm time.

  267. Is this what our lives have led up to? Waiting for a comic that might not ever return? Babbling unnecessarily, pouring our souls into a pit that can never be filled?

  268. hey guys i found a decent webcomic and it has over 500 comics go check it out

    1. ok i read a few comics there is now a swear warning

    2. Meh it seems okay. I get the feeling it’s kind of like a thirteen year old published this though.

      1. well if you just started on book 1 they started making these in 2012

    3. Hey i’ve alredy read this. It’s one of my favorite webcomics. It’s really good.

      1. I don’t remember ot having any bad swears though.

        1. maybe i got comfused when i saw a R and a N right next to each other.


    clik da username up top for a webcomic. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ (don’t let first impressions irk you when you see the chunky Link from legend of zelda.)


    1. Okay. Here is what you need to do. Take a deep breath. Have a cup of warm milk with some honey. And relax. The comic will be back someday… I hope.

      1. thx i needed that

        1. It’s okay.

        2. and the secret last step is to yell at the top of your lungs just yelling out all the stress works for me evry time

  271. WHOOO!!we did it everyone! We’re past 1,000 comments! (That’s the author’s cue to post another comic again😳)

  272. Does anybody have Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon?

  273. wowie still active

    1. That username reminds me of that STUPID game on Roblox, Booga Booga. It’s so triggering I stopped playing it a while ago for my sanity.

      1. Oh yeah i used to play that game. Then i got bored with roblox as a whole. There are only two roblox games i would recommend. The first one is Survive the disasters which is a game in where you survive random disasters in order to acumulate points.
        The other one is Super paper roblox which is a story based platformer.

        1. Some weirdo on Roblox keeps asking me to play that. His name is literally booga booga

        2. well just a suggestion you guys should try roblox monsters of etheria and its a really good game and you can play as monsters that even have there own animations

        3. what about Super Bomb Survival?

  274. EY IT’S 11/11/19! At 11:11 today let’s all wish for Celesse to come back and continue GaMERCaT!!!

  275. *Months pass, no new comics*
    Me: *Screams both internally and externally*

  276. Yeah i’m going to assume this isn’t coming back. See you all around.

    1. she said she will be back and she will be back you non believer

    2. Did she say when? I’m never able to go on GaMERCaT during the summer or school breaks (long story) so I wanna know in case.

  277. Just checked out her Twitter feed… She’s been posting a lot there… and … SHE GOT MARRIED! Back in September. CONGRATULATIONS SAMANTHA!! (late I know, but still)!!!

    1. *SPITS OUT WATER* Really!? That’s so cool!! I don’t have Twitter (my parents are internet safeties) so idk what goes on. Ever.


      1. congratulations!

      2. WHOAAAA! I’m glad she’s ok! That’s so cool :))))

  278. Soooo are we all just gonna keep sending comments here until September?

    1. Probably until they shut the site down, truthfully… ;P

    2. Im stixking around untill aprill 15 2020. After that i don’t know if i’ll continiue to send comments.

      1. i’m gonna hang out till the end of time or if it shuts down whichever happens first

        1. I’m gonna stay here. I know that the comic will return. I can wait for it.

        2. I honestly expect the site to get DDosed before anything else happens.

      2. So you’re sticking around until Tax Day? That’s oddly specific…

  279. Have you guys seen the redesign for Sonic? It’s much better in my opinion but usually no matter what goes out to the internet it’s immediately received with negative views.

    1. People actually seem to like it. Then again. Anything would be better than original sonic.

  280. I only found out about this comic series a few days ago and have already read the entire thing in an accumulation of about 1.5 hours! I love these so much! I hope I joined near the end of the break!

    1. We all hope it’s near the end of the break

  281. That’s it. It happened. People are getting desperate enough to put advertising on this site.

    1. Well then I might as well do my own. gEt frEE rObUX wItH thIs sUpEr cOOl wEBsITe XDXD LMAO UwU

  282. Is actual advertising even allowed? It can’t be allosed right?

    1. welp ban em is all i have to say

      1. You say that every two minutes

  283. Guys I’m back! I’ve catches up so I’m up to date.

  284. Here’s what you need to know about me since we last chatted:
    1. I JUST got Pokemon shield.
    2. I dressed up as a devil for halloween
    3. I just started watching stranger things
    4. Im 12 (but you know that coz I made such a big deal about it)
    5. Most of my friends at Skool are annoying

    1. i relate to the 5th part minus the friends part.

  285. DragonCandy/KatsuTheCat

    I keep wanting to change my name! Do you guys like KatsuTheCat or should I stick to DragonCandy?

    1. What’s a japanese gu- And he’s gone.
      Oh sorry! I was thinking about reffrencess.
      What’s a Katzu?

    2. I like Dragon Candy. It rolls of the tongue.

      1. Dragon Candy 4eva

        Cool I’ll stick with that then. Also Katsu is a Japanese food.

  286. I’ve come to a realisation, due to the ads this page is now a monopoly untill the next one is released. We now literally have control over a source of income. If it bottlenecks she might come back, or she has acquired a new life which is also great. And i’m probably goin to get banned but honestly thats fine.

  287. I don’t think you will get banned. If i know the system right only toxic, spam and impersonators get’s banned. I’m not completely sure though.

    1. Okay i know i hit reply there.

      1. I agree with timtime

  288. if i have to wait another week i’m gonna scream

    1. Marzipan Sunset needs a life

      Yeah I’m just realizing how long it’s going to be until Celesse even sends an update on here. I just make sad GaMERCaT art and wait ;-;

    2. We could try making comic ideas here in the comments.

      1. i’ve been suggesting it for a while now ever since i started and i’ll say it again…


        1. Okay. Say GaMERCat dies and absurd amount of times, goes to Quadratus and he tells GaMERCaT that he lost count.

    3. What about classic Atari games? I have an old Atari console at home and it’s so funny to play those quest games where you’re just a tiny block. I could go on for an hour describing all the funny glitches that happen.

      1. I don’t think GaMERCaT has an Atari. Maybe he emulates it and glitches ensue.

        1. I like the cuphead idea. Omgomgomg what bout bendy and the ink machine!!!!!!!!! come on guys you have to admit that’s a good idea

        2. welp its been a week guys ylu know whats gonna happen

      2. I remember as a kid I used to smack my 2600 around to get the games to glitch out and do weird stuff. Fortunately I never broke it. One of my very favorite games was Tunnel Runner, and I also enjoyed playing Venture, Pitfall II and Towering Inferno. All of the Activision and Imagic games were great. I tried playing Adventure but I remember getting bored because I didn’t know what to do.


    I found a comic that relates to getting “first” comment. Copy and Paste the link.

    1. Dang bruh, that is very true.

  290. Hey guys it’s my birthday in exactly 4 days. :D

    1. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Ima bake you a (virtual) cake an get you a (virtual) present!

  291. Guys… are you giving up?

    1. Not yet we ain’t

    2. Never.

      1. Winston Churchill

        If you’re going through hell, keep going

    3. Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t know. Welp, all my bases are covered now so… PLAY BALL!!

      If you don’t understand the joke, just look up Abbott and Costello baseball joke for the reference. ;)

      1. i give up the day i die

        1. same

  292. What’s your favorite song that HASN’T been on the radio?

    1. Um. I’m pretty sure bomb rush blush from splatoon hasn’t been on the radio… In England at least…

    2. I fricking LOVE Snail’s House. It’s like futuristic Jazz and dubsteb and lofi mixed into one. Also VGR (Video Game Remixes) which sound soooo cool.

    3. Anyfin by oliver tree

    4. Oh oh oh also songs by Cavetown. My favorites are Boys Will be Bugs (explicit), Another One of Those Days, and Green.

    5. Did I also mention Hyper Potions, Kero Kero Bonito, and dark cat? Their songs haven’t been on the radio.

  293. If you don’t have a webtoon, I highly suggest you make one. It would be amazing!

    1. I draw comics and I have my own character but I don’t publish them online.

  294. Anyone else got Pokemon sword and shield? It’s amazing guys. You don’t understand. Also is anyone else exited for frozen 2 (Jk)

    1. No and Yes.

    2. No and no, not really. I did enjoy the live action Aladdin though…

    3. I know a guy who finished Shield because he stayed up until 4am on a school night playing it. Also I don’t go to the theatre much so…eh.

    4. My high school Band class: Yah! FROZEN 2! Finally, after 6 years!

      1. Huh? Oh yeah frozen 2. Feels like it was released like 2 years ago. Forgot they were even making a sequel.

  295. I’m going to blow a wish on my birthday cake candles today… I can’t tell you what I’m wishing for, but I think you GaMERCaT fans all know. Wish me luck! ;)

    1. That was…. Cringey

    2. u didnt have to shame them. keep ur mean comments to urself

  296. Guys, what’s your favorite show to watch? Not movie, just shows or series. I like The Masked Singer, The Amazing World Of Gumball (because I like the art style and humor), and the miniseries Over The Garden Wall.

    1. Ninjago, The dragon prince (because I can, I will never be too old), and stargate.

    2. Adventure time, digimon fusion, Oxhorns fallout story series, Freakazoid, Small wonder, Avatar the last airbender, yu gi oh the abridged series, BFDI, Legend of chima (mostly ironicly), Dragonball Z abridged, Dragonball (the original), Felix recenserar and Phineas and Ferb to name a few.

      1. Omg over the garden wall is amazing. I also like adventure time but stopped a long time ago :( I’m obsessed with his dark materials and stranger things

    3. powerpuffrailfan121

      Cartoons: The Powerpuff Girls (ORIGINAL SERIES), Ed Edd n Eddy, Krypto the superdog, What’s new scooby doo, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi.

      Anime: Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, Pokemon


  298. I hope everyone in America had a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday! Traffic today was CRAZY!! I’m thankful to be at home right now and off the roads and out of the stores!! :P

    I know Celesse will post something if she plans to restart the comic, but I hope she will post something if she decides that the last comic was the last one period. I mean post something HERE. If she posts it on Twitter we might miss it since she posts so many other things she’s doing there… it might get lost in the crowd so to speak! ;)

  299. CorrineBlackwright

    Cellese, if you are considering ending the webcomic, please, tell us. While we would all be sad to see this wonderful series come to an end, I feel I speak for everyone when I say it would be better to come out and tell us rather than just remaining silent. I’ve seen many series go that way and it always has fans checking, for months upon months, if a new update has come out. Please just tell us, not on twitter but here! What the status is

    1. ok ok you can stop with the emotional speech and like it says she will be back she did not say how long she would be gone but she will be back

      1. Actually, she never did say she was definitely coming back… she gave a very firm, absolute… “MAYBE”. ;P

  300. .

    1. ..

    2. ….

    3. Morse code?

      1. Yes. Although to mostly keep cpnsistent eith dots i had to improvise and use the spaces between them

  301. on this scale of 1 to 12 how would you say you are felling

    1. You can fell trees in the woods, preferably with a gas-powered saw to get those tough trunks. Most woodcutters fell by cutting at a diagonal angle. Cut an open-face notch on the side of the tree that faces the direction you want the tree to fall. Make your top cut first. Begin your top cut at any height on the tree above the ground, allowing enough room for the undercut. First cut should be downward at an angle of 70°. You could shout “timber!” as the tree falls if you want to feel manly and old-fashioned in a way. Beavers can fell trees as well.

      1. i meant feeling i couldn’t spell and was to lazy to put a comment till now

        1. Lol. 6 cuz I’m usually in a good mood but I’m super tired and I have to do a school play for 4 nights in a row, all ending at 10

    2. lol I know I just wanted to pull a sneaky smart aleck. I’m feeling about a ten right now. Yesterday my school library got the manga series Cells At Work! and I was reading the first one during free time on a library couch, and some jerky juniors sat down next to me all around. It’s happened before when I was reading a comic book. And ok, I swear that the only time people sit next to me is if I’m reading a comic book or manga and they think I’m a complete nerd in a dumb I-can’t-read-actual-books way. I read good literature but I love comic books. And I thought that people in high school would be better than the dumb-butt eighth grade boys but I was wrong. Sorry I’m venting….and probably not making sense. *Napstablook voice* oh no…………………………………………………………

  302. …Last Comment.

    1. uno reverse

    2. hey does anyone want to play some super smash flash with me and just a fyi i’m a major noob

    3. dangit I almost had it

      1. there’s not going to be a last for a while so the only thing people should give up on is being the last

  303. powerpuffrailfan121

    Seriously, when are they coming back from break? Its been 8 months! At this point, I’m beginning to think they’ve decided to cancel the series

    1. dont be like that. you just gotta be patient, they’llb be back, they always are.

      1. powerpuffrailfan121

        Yeah but there hasn’t been an update since August. that was 4 months ago

        1. Just relax a little and find another webcomic or normal comic to occupy you a little. I recommend Savestate.

    2. If you are really impatient just read some other webcomics. But if you’re going to complain about it then you can leave…no offense or hating, just saying. (trademarked saying)

      1. savestate looks like something for furries (which i’m not) so i’m never going to read it i i’m going to stick with BitF until gamercat is back

  304. this is Fri the 13.
    just wanta say.

  305. I’m 100,000,000th in comments

  306. *demonic screeching while eating bugles*

    1. ok first why bugles

      secondly do you not know what a bugle is

      lastly bugles are an instrument

      1. ok i don’t know why i was the default look

        1. There was “demonic screeching” right before he said eating bugles. I think he knew what he was talking about.

  307. Here’s a riddle i came up with 2 days ago.

    If 12=L. What’s the pattern?

  308. who thinks that this meme is accurate

    1. meh.

      1. we need to get u some bongos.

  309. Yall ever just scream

  310. i feel as if people have stopped commenting on the gamercat so i’m going to do a little test

    if you like reading the gamercat say anything on this

    1. Anything

      1. anything on this

    2. anything on this

      1. Anything on this. I’m sorry I haven’t been commenting as much. I haven’t really thought about anything to talk about. Also, bongo cat u should have set a date t say it by. Tha would hav made it more of a test. Omg my typing is so bad

    3. Anything on this

    4. any thing on this.

    5. Anything

      1. yes, perfect

    6. I…like manga?…

  311. I’m 1,164th in comments

    1. 1+1+6+4=12
      I’m 1,165th in comments

      1. n-nani…

  312. Anything

  313. I have a feeling she’s not coming back… :/

    1. don’t give up, there’s still hope.
      And fan fictions.

  314. wow i gust came bake expecting a lot of new comics but nothing!!
    what the hell is going on oh and hi tim T!me remember me? :)

    1. I had to check real quick but yeah i remember you.
      As for what the hell is going on here we got past 1000th comments a while ago, we still don’t know weather this comic is over or not and comments have become a little less frequent latley.
      Finally, where have you been?

  315. I had a dream where the GaMERCaT comics came back. *insert crying noises*

    1. I had a dream that i was at school but it was like the hunger games but nobody knew what was going on. Oh and I some how became friends with a chicken and business partners with a creeper ‘\(‘-‘)/`

      1. I’ve had stranger. Try me.

  316. and i’m back what did i miss

    1. oh yeah and i can’t forget it and i know its a bit late but HAPPY 2020!!!

  317. That moment when you wish GaMERCaT would come out with a Pokemon sword/shield comic U.U

  318. HEY memes are MY job

    1. i swore i hit reply there

      1. That moment when you thought memes were your job



        1. that moment when you THOUGHT you were being cool


          no shaming the cat

        2. Marzipan Sunset

          Joke’s on you, I never think I’m cool

  319. how do you not feel like trash. my grades are average or below i have no friends in school and i am too insecure and judgmental of myself and others to make friends and i feel like a jerk sometimes

    1. smile. just smile.

      1. This is coming from the Empty Child

  320. same i feel the same i am feelings bad for da end of series MAKE MORE HISSSSSS

    1. no threatening or it will make the wait longer

  321. is it just me or do i look different

    1. ok now i’m back to bongo cat

  322. so is the gamercat now dead?

    1. Hope not.

      1. i hope its not as well

    2. i hope not, he hasn’t played a game in nine months

      1. I don't think Gamercat's coming back :(

        Nine… months… O.O Is someone having a baby?

    3. Gamercat will be alive… in my heart….

      *me crying in the corner of my room*

      1. and there goes the last member aside from me who don’t give up on waiting

  323. Last comment perhaps??

    1. um excuse me but i’m the real anonymous you copy uhh….. mouse

      (it sounded better in my head)

      1. That would have been the perfect moment to use anonymouse.

      2. *squeaks*

        O O
        .. —-
        =\/= \_
        oo oo

        Okay, so maybe not a great mouse, but I tried.

        1. :( It looked better before I posted it… D:

        2. Marzipan Sunset

          Is this a car crash or train wreck. Air traffic?

  324. Hey guys! Happy 2020! Also please bring back the comic, it has been 9 months :C

  325. Someone say something to not make me give up on this webcomic. And don’t just copy that sentence.

    1. bored2electricboogaloo


    2. *quoting Tim Allen in Galaxy Quest*

      “The show must go on!”

      1. And if you haven’t seen Galaxy Quest, you should. It’s a fun movie! ;)

    3. ok here’s a speech i just came up with, make sure you have inspirational music to make it better


      this may be the best speech i have came up with and just know if its bad i just came up with it in the first 10 seconds of typing this

      1. *applause while the national anthem plays in the background*

  326. which is better forks or spoons

    1. Foons

    2. Forks because they can be used for things than just eating. For an example I used one to get my toast out of the toaster today. Real multiuse tool right there.

      1. i just don’t know how to respond other than say don’t do that anymore

      2. I was about to say “You can use a spoon for that too” when I realized we problably have different types of toasters. Sporks for the win. (Foons have a spoon tip and fork prongs in the middle, therefor you can neither spear things nor eat soup. Foons are useless)

    3. I need a cool fork

      forks. By far.

  327. I need a cool name

    how goes it?

    does my profile pic work

    1. I need a cool name


      1. Til owlyglass

        1. not to be rude or anything but what are you supposed to be a moose of some sort?

        2. Marzipan Sunset

          They’re an Eevee from Pokemon.


    1. In the meantime, how is everyone… :)

      1. Pretty good. I’m currently trying to beat Terraria by only using minions. Then i’ll try and beat it by only using throwing weapons. Then i’ll try and beat it by only moving with ropes/chains/vines. Then i’ll try and beat it by every ten minutes swaping to a different game and play that for 10 minutes and then going back. Then i’ll try and beat it by swaping to a new weapon every time i get that weapon so for an example if i get an arkhalis and i’m currently using hel-fire then i’ll have to swap to the arkhalis until i get another weapon. Any suggestions on how i should try to beat terraria? Yes i will be doing all of these.

        1. Marzipan Sunset

          H-how much free time do you have-

        2. im glad im not the only terraria summoner around here parts. if you play on xbox you can friend me and my name is SowingGrub and the 4 numbers.

        3. i forgot the 4 numbers

        4. Marzipan Sunset: let me summ it up to one, simple word. Insomnia.

          Bongo cat: no i play on pc. I actually don’t even own an xbox. My little brother has one though but seeing as he is the human manifestation of annoyance I tend to try and not interact with him if I can.

  329. I’ve been getting back into Fallout 4 recently.
    *Sigh* I’m gonna miss the next few months…

  330. oof I forgot to hit reply

    1. double oof cause you double forgot to hit reply

      1. Triple oof because I hate myself

        1. Quadruple oof because Gamercat plays a lot of games from Nintendo yet has not played Super Smash Bros.

          What if he played Overwatch?

  331. Don’t you make new videos @celsesse, can you make more comics? Anywho, I’m back!

  332. Don’t I make new comics?*Alsocat123

  333. I need a cool name

    Gosh I miss gamercat. At least housepets is funny.

    1. i feel like i’ve seen your pfp somewhere and im not sure how to feel about it

      1. I need a cool name

        You might.

        1. I hope it doesn’t have to do with a Ditto and a Pokemon Daycare Center…

  334. I have known about Gamercat since February 4, making this the 368th day of me knowing about one of the best webcomics ever to be created. Too bad shortly after that the creator took a 10+ month break. I DISCOVERED GREATNESS AT THE WRONG TIME!

    1. February 4, 2019
      my processors hasn’t been as sharp as they used to- I need to go see my mechanic to upgrade my memory- and no, I’m not ever turning my entire brain into a computer. I like my brain. I only need a computer in it just so then I can translate from cat to English

      1. uuuuuh…

        Am I just normal here?

        1. when compared to doom cat you are considered normal

        2. Is anyone really normal in this comment section when you think about it?

        3. *replying to TimT!me10, for some reason there’s no reply button next to his name*
          No, no one is normal. That is because humanity has doomed us all, and this is the internet. Normality has been outlawed since 1982 (a year before the invention of the internet, according to Google)

  335. Yall wanna hear something crazy

    1. is it as crazy as this

      one guy: did you eat my sandwich?

      other guy: i am your sandwich

      other guy climbs inside one guys mouth.

      if you get the reference then good for you

    2. Guy: Who parked their CAR……. on my SANDWICH

      Guy 2: I did.


    3. You see, the crazy thing I am telling you is that by asking you if you wanted to hear something crazy, you in turn told your own crazy things.
      How the turns have tabled.

      1. ok but for real yeah i want to hear it

        1. I need a cool name

          I’ll tell you something crazy. You can buy a cheese wheel off amazon!

        2. Marzipan Sunset

          Yesh tell me the crazy thing because things are boring in America

        3. I’ll tell you something crazy. Once my dad said he was going to take down the swimmingpool
          because I kept putting soap in it. I wanted to help dad taking it down. Being 5 and having no concept of consocuences I saw a knife close by and cut a hole in the pool completely ruining it. I got sent to my room for the entire day and since I didn’t know how electronic devices worked and I couldn’t read I was extremly bored.

  336. I need a cool name

    Hey tim, what does Til owlyglass mean?

    1. I need a cool name

      Tim please I need to know

      1. He was a german trickster who fooled alot of people around germany in the past. search Til Owlyglass Miachel Rosen on youtube. It’s fun to listen to.

  337. For the people suffering and/or going insane waiting for the next page, i would recommend some other comics, like (updated like.. every 2-3 months) and (every 2 days)

  338. guess the gamer cat isn’t coming back……

  339. omg i just realized its been 10 months since the last break update! gamer cat pleeeease come back!

  340. I get that you need a break, but 10 MONTHS? give it another month, and i’m gonna stop checking whether you’re a dead artist or not!

  341. Hello guys! Long time no see :3
    Just wanna say goodbye even though it’s kinda late!!!
    I miss u <333
    I may pop in ever now and then but for now it is goodbye.
    (also does anyone have ClubPenguin cuz I'm obsessed)
    (also, also check out 'KatsuTheCat' on popjam)

  342. ALSO.

    1. I’m pretty sure I did my email right! Dunno why I’m default???

  343. Does anyone have Sword/Shield? What’s your pokemon team consist of? My pokemon team I used to beat Leon was Rillaboom, Gardevoir, Eternatus, Bisharp, Chandelure, and Toxtricity. My favorite pokemon types are ghost, normal, psychic, fire, and grass. Least favorite type is ice.

    1. I do!, except my team is the one that got me through the entire game practically, consisting of Rilla-boom, Boltund (the best boy), Thievul, Arcanine, Inteleon (my brother was going to discard him, poor thing…), and mimikyu (got from surprise trade)

      1. Lucky!! I really want a Mimikyu. I have a Ditto I got in the Wild area, and just like in the Gamercat comic I am trying to get a shiny Charmander. I keep getting regular Charmanders though which is very frustrating and I keep releasing them. And I realized I had like a billion Unfezants in my box.

        1. I got shield! My team has cinderace, Pikachu, snorlax, rapidash, leafeon and chaizard
          (I finished it)

  344. This is the 1275th comment… Wow. It makes me happy to find so many fans of the gamercat. I have found my people! almost 1 year since the next comic though, hope it comes back eventually, or even just a new update so everyone knows that your ok. Keep being awesome! =3

  345. Ok, I know people occasionally come back. So, I have an Idea to make it easier on the creator, but make it so we get the comics we would like. So, I am going to start my own comics! This way, people get the comics and Celesse will not have to worry about it. I will have a link to a google docks file that has the comics when I get someone that wants it. Thank you Celesse for just how much effort and time you have put into it! The stories, the charactors, the art style, love it all!! =) All I need is one person to tell me they want it and it will be done!

    1. BTW, name change from ZeldaFan4Life

      1. sweet! I will have the first comic in about a week or two, because I am drawing it by hand. Come back next week for a comic! (sorry if it doesn’t look too good, have to draw by hand because I do not have a drawing tablet)

        1. Isn’t that stealing? If you make more gamercat comic whiteout the artists accept? Why not make your own idea? Gamercat is clearly dead but mabey one day it will rise again? A d then it will be wird to have 2 of the same XD If you want to make a comic DO IT but make it yours whit your story, characters and art :) If you make your own sent a link here and I will safe it and read your comic if I like it XD But dont be a copycat make something new a d awesome:D

        2. GamerCatTime!!!

          your right. That is very correct, and I shall get to work at once! But now Ill have to think of a new idea. Any suggestions?

        3. changed my mind. Imma make a cartoon instead. Posting a link when it is ready! (changed from GamerCatTime!!!)

    2. Kewl beenz.

  346. and i’m back from the KLEI forums of don’t starve what did i miss?

    1. I am making a fan comic for the people here. Interested?

    2. I am fangirling about my Pokemon team in Shield.

      1. And I am being thick as usual

        1. Congratulations

  347. guys! i have some news regarding the gamer cat! she is still active on patreon and is making amazing artwork for the gamer cat once a month so I’m pretty sure she will return…

    1. *thumping noises outside window, cars crash, pterodactyl screeches, bursts through window covered in chicken feathers and scratches*

      1. OOOOOooooo I hope ur right!

      2. Marzipan Sunset nice

  348. i hope gamer cat comes back at least this year.

  349. How many comments do you think we’ll get to before the comics come back?

  350. I miss this comic! Hope you’re doing well and that life is feeling better for you.

  351. *GaMERCaT jumps onto the screen*
    “Hey, guess what? I’m back! Everything’s ok now!”
    *He sits and smiles*
    “You don’t have to wait any longer!”

    *And then suddenly Bethesda releases a game with zero glitches and Valve decides to care about the TF2 community again and then everyone is happy and the internet is no longer a toxic and hateful place*

    *Then you wake up and begin to cry*

  352. Random question!
    If ur on a phone/iPad /whatever what’s ur save screen? My lock screen is bowser and bowser jr at Disney world and my save screen is some bubble tea but the bubbles are little round chicks!

    1. Well I usually have my chrome background a RandoWis doodle. Search up RandoWis doodles and you’ll see what I mean.

    2. My lock screen is one of the octoling screens that you get as a reward from splatoon 2 octo expansion.

      1. mine i a picture of myself

        1. Lol! I love splatoon!

        2. As do i.

  353. It’s almost been a year… I’m not to sure if gamer cat will come back guys…

    1. Whelp, good thing I learned how to tie a noose!

      1. Never consider self abuse.

        1. Listen to Tim. *hides arm*

  354. There is a general update locked behind the patreon $1 pledge. I don’t use patreon myself or I could view it. Anyone here able to see the general update from November? Maybe it is the update we’ve all been waiting for…

  355. Hope you get better soon! Love these comics.

  356. Did they die or something?

    1. I hope not, but at the same time that is the only logical explanation. This is because it is an indisputable FACT that all artists are not humans and are able to crank out content at our whim.

      She might have also gotten some sort of contract to do art for a larger company. I don’t pay for her patreon, so I don’t know if she has some sort of update there or not.

      1. There is, called “general update”, but I’m not a patron either. It’s just a dollar, but idk how to cancel my monthly subscription or I’d just pay the dollar to read the update then cancel.

        1. omg what if she did die i bet everyone would be soooooooooooooooooooo disappointed

        2. guys stop this is how people get depression

  357. *Looks around the dusty place. His hand comes up and wipes away the spider-webs that had formed over the year.* “It’s been some time hasn’t it?” *He looked around and spotted a couple of old faces.* “I wonder if you guys remember me? It’s been a long time hasn’t it? I wonder how all of you have been? I’ve wanted to say I’ve moved on, and I don’t know what to do. Does anyone know what to do, more likely not. *He turns around and glances at the time.* “It’s still surprising how much time has passed without a update. Sometimes I wonder if the creator will come back…” *He paused and turned to the people all looking at his post.* “Thoughts?”

    1. The fact of the matter is, a year without updates means the comic is over. But nonetheless, this could have been far worse. The story could have been plot driven, making this an unfinished piece of art. But this is different, Cellesse gave us this beautiful work out of the goodness of her heart. It is a masterpiece as it is, one that we can revisit time and time again, laughing to the same work that captivated us all. In the end, we don’t have to feel unfulfilled

      1. yeah…but we won’t find out if gamer cat admits his crush on pixel! look back at the other comics its pretty obvious.

  358. omg still no new comic!!!! i cant beleav it iv ben gone for soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long and still no new comic!?!?!

    1. by the way i probably wont be bake for a while sory tim T!me (i might com back if you respond :) )

      1. if i remember il check later today or tomorrow nowing you ill check later today

        1. Hi. I comment on a phone and for some reason more often than not the “we value your privacy” thing glitches out and i can’t interact with the site other than scrolling. That’s why i don’t comment as much anymore. I could use a computer but i never think of it or i’m just to lazy.

  359. and now im guna check how much we went over are commit goal (remember that commit?) biy!!! see you later

    1. kinda CRAZY gamer master


  360. itl make more sense if you read the whole conversation

    1. oops forgot to reply agean

  361. Come up with comic ideas, people! Let’s make our OWN GaMERCaT comics! Reply to this comment to submit! I’ll draw the winner’s idea!

    1. I was thinking about that, but wouldn’t that be illegal without the artists consent? I just feel that something original would do so much better. I quote from a comment made from BlackyWolf “don’t be a copycat make something new a d awesome:D” (see the full comment from above)

      1. Yeah, but I miss GaMERCaT…

        It’s not just coming up with comic ideas, I just miss them. :(

        1. Here’s one. The annoying fairy coaxes Glitch into getting raid shadow legends and that games micro transactions causes Malcom to have to liquidate some of his assets.

          Alternativley. GaMERCaT is in his panic room planning out his “perfect island” for animal crossing new horrisons.

        2. the annoying fairy has been gone since Glitch trimmed the Christmas tree. Wonder what happened.

        3. Best case senario Glitch mistook it for a christmas decoration.

  362. GUYS! i asked clessie on twitter if she was done with the gamer cat and she REPLIED saying she will make a proper update soon! fvjbkfjfvijjnvjknvnfv

    1. Yuss! I’ve run out of comics on several of my favorite artists’s sites and just wait for updates, this is gr8 news

    2. Oh I hope she does. Even if she decides to retire the comic, it would be nice to know for certain. I loved this comic and looked forward to every new installment. :)

    3. I’ve been checking this site every monday for almost a year now. I am glad I stumbled into this comment.

    4. After almost a year any news will be wellcome.

    5. Powerpuffrailfan121


  363. Only 15 days untill Animal crossing new horrisons is released. I did a GaMERCat and pre-orded it as soon as I could. Sure, I had to liquidate my left arm but you need to take some sacrifises in life.

    1. What about the leg?

      1. Not as valuable from where I’m from. Besides, I’ve already eaten some fertilizer so my arm should grow back in about 14 days.

  364. Does anyone have the Incredibox app?

    1. never heard of it

  365. does anyone play brawl stars?

  366. i check this every week

  367. i know this is off topic but does anyone know where i can get plans for a 24ft by 24 foot shed without garage doors im making a virtual reality room but my room is to small

  368. Another webcomic done… *sighs* TwoKinds, HousePets, Freefall, Savestate, gaMERcat. All in three days.

    1. what are you talking about, housepets is still going and Twokinds just updates, don’t know about the other two.

  369. Man, some time huh, plz come back, I know that it’s a break and stuff, but this is tearing my heart away, I get bored with SOME other comics, there are still others, but I want you to make one for so long, THAT I’M AT THE POINT THAT I’M LISTENING TO AUDIOBOOK OR WHATEVER THEY CALL IT ON YOUTUBE, PLEASSSSSEE COME BACK

  370. She will make an update soon. Probably When animal crossing new horizons drops.

  371. I need more clan members in clash royale join with this tag #LRVYOLCU

  372. still waiting…

  373. nintendo direct today.

  374. i check this site every day :(

    1. I’m so glad I’m not the only one.

  375. Gamercat, come back :(

  376. so i’ve been thinking and i’ve decided.
    im done commenting on the gamercat and i know it sounds heartbreaking but i will still be here watching im just done commenting.
    its just been so hard commenting in school hours and keeping track of 2 accounts to take care of.

    now if you would like to see where i will be on from now on its the KLEI forums and will be known as
    some guy59.

    goodbye friends and if you would like to talk to me i’ll just be on klei as some guy59 from now on.


    1. guess i should give a link to the account

    2. The Crusher Of Your Dreams


    3. aaaand she posts something one day after this post. so close.

  377. farewell

  378. Wow. It’s been a long time.

    1. Weird. All of my comments have been deleted. Am I last comment? Pls don’t say gamercat is dying out

  379. I really like reading through a post that can make people think. Also, many thanks for permitting me to comment!

  380. i like these memes and the cartoons. these are my love

  381. Just those updates that make you feel happy :)

  382. Yus, glitch. Slushy tornado.

  383. I’m last!

  384. no i am you fool

  385. If anyone actually scrolled down so far as to read this comment, have an amazing day! <3

  386. what happened to GaMERCaT’s mouth in the 3rd panel?

  387. I feel like I’m in an empty k-mart parking lot at 3 in the morning right now



  388. Pwease more GaMERCaT? Pweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
    This is my favorite webcomic

  389. Hey NecroFerret, are you going to that sawkon convention? What’s sawkon you ask? Sawkon deez nuts.

  390. I Miss GaMERCaT so much! I just finished reading every single one for the 17th time and it never gets old! I really hope Celesse will make more soon! And I hope Celesse is doing okay! <3 :)

  391. Hey Celesse, I was wondering what art program you use because I’m making a comic strip for my school paper and I wanted you advice on how I should do it.

  392. glitch The buttin masher

    pixel would like piggy roblox its a rilly hard puzzle game

  393. Piggy is a puzzle game?!

  394. I just want more gamercat it there hasn’t been a comic and two years and I am an addict to things like this

  395. Help. I don’t know how to reply to messages. Can someone plz tell me. Also I am SolarEclipse just did a different name for no reason

    1. Lucario (Master of Aura)

      Speedrunning a reply to you- on the top right of the comment you should see a “reply” button. Hit that and then type your comment and required info.

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